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Love Is Everything by Malobi Sinha

[Above] Photo of Malobi Sinha by Supriyo Sinha, 2006.

Malobi Sinha

When I was young, one could say that the world was more peaceful than it is now. It seems that now there is a looming cloud hanging over us – is Global warming really happening? The tension and torture caused by the ‘vapour-like’ threat of terrorism – is it really needed? In this age, when Humanity had seemed to come together; why must we take the step backwards?

I have learnt from past experience that it takes a lot less to break a friendship than to mend it. To achieve the goal that, I believe, naïve as I may be, unites us – world peace – we must be more forgiving, not only of those around us, but of ourselves too.

That word – love – one must learn to use it again. There are too many distractions around, too many ‘unloving’ things happening, that we should learn to avoid and see as not only useless, but also meaningless. We must be true to ourselves.

Can you see what I see? - A picture, bright and true; People living as brothers and sisters, happy, fulfilled, joyous – each and every one of them. No more hunger, no more pain – only completion. No more heartache, war, tears, disease, floods, famine.

No; just plain happiness – and love. Each loving everyone as equals, as brothers and sisters, as friends. No more jealousy, greed, avariciousness or torture in the world. That is a vision worth fighting for – a vision worth achieving. A vision worth the wait – but we have waited enough. The wait is now over.

Let us join in harmony as we raise our voices together – in hope, in faith, in love. We are one. We have come from a single Entity, by whichever name we call It. We are brothers and sisters, whatever religion we belong to; we are free, we are true; we are loved.

So speak of these things to your close ones, and the vision will be fulfilled. We must all feel this. We must all dream this. We must all will this to happen, and then it will.

It is not a figment of my imagination. I can feel the love in your heart as you read this. You must share it. Don’t keep it locked up, as it has been for too long. I dream of a world living in Peace. I dream of a world fulfilled, people happy – laughter, joy, peace – salvation.

So share my dream. Let’s all bring it to fruition. Help those you see in need. Help us to bring the vision alive. Help the little old lady cross the road. Help the blind man to the tram. Help us to bring the vision alive. If you are able – donate to those who need it. Help to put a smile on the face of those who see you – and this will bring love into their hearts.

There is one thing I haven’t yet told you. I am scared that you will laugh at me - as you might be if you were to say this to someone. But this I must tell you – I love you, you see; as I love everyone in the world today – and, I believe – they me. It now needs to be realised by us – that love is everything; you see.

About the Writer Malobi Sinha

Malobi Sinha spent the early years of her childhood in the freedom and vastness of Kenya, and then her family migrated to Australia where she completed her schooling and went on to do further studies (she completed a Bachelors in Engineering from Monash university). Malobi’s fascinations are the world and its people. She has had literary work (poetry) published previously in various magazines and e-zines in Australia and the USA, including Thylazine, and Sankalan (Aus) and Kaj-Mahkah (USA), and is currently working on her first collection of poetry. Malobi also contracts as an Engineer. Malobi lives in Victoria, Australia with her husband.
   [Above] Photo of Malobi Sinha by Supriyo Sinha, 2006.

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