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Evolution by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Coral Hull by Coral Hull, 2001.

Coral Hull

My own ethics come from my belief in the evolution and advancement of a benevolent and creative universal consciousness that connects and comprises of each and every one of us. As conscious beings, we are all here to evolve our consciousness, thereby evolving the universal consciousness. The ways to do this are through love - love of all sentient beings, and by increasing our knowledge and learning through imaginative thinking and creative expression.

As creative thinkers, we need to ask ourselves, what ramifications do my actions have on the lives of others around me and to weigh up the positives and negatives. For example; have I told myself that I am worthy of love today? Does eating the corpse of a sentient being who has been murdered contribute my own health and happiness? What can I do to promote and enjoy the works of another creative artist or writer this week? Will I make the extra effort needed to print on recycled paper? Have I smiled at someone and told them to have a great day? Have I taken time to nurture my own creativity? How will what I create benefit those around me?

Our every thought is an act that affects the physical world and every action affords us both power and responsibility. We become what we do, so that the more we assist others in loving ways, the more we are enriched, empowered and expanded as creative and conscious beings.

When I first began to serve others, I did it because of the injustice that was inflicted upon me as a child. Having no sense of self, I did not know or understand that I was being abused, only that it threatened my existence and that I suffered. However, through my own experiences I was able to recognise the abuse of the less fortunate around me very early on. I naturally empathised with children, animals and the natural world, who are the most obviously abused.

My first concern for what 'appeared' to exist outside myself occurred at preschool, when a teacher gently picked up a tiny chick from the ground who had fallen from a nest in a gum tree. The pale pink shivering vulnerability in her warm palm struck a deep chord. Even behind my neurological barrier of Autism the predicament of bird had reached into my heart, which in turn caused my heart to reach out to it. At 3 1/2 years of age it became important to me, that this tiny chick be returned to his nest, family, to safety and to love. I knew that we were the same being with the same needs. My own predicament had afforded me the gift of empathy.

Now and midway through my life I work with a multiple consciousness. As a person who is on the Autism spectrum, I never expected to be involved in this world in such a deeply rich and fulfilling way as I am today. I now know that the richness of my existence has come through the embracing of my own pain and the pain of those around me, and then finding the power within myself to move us all beyond a situation that does not serve the best interests of ALL.

I have spent years pleading with others to be compassionate towards animals and children. I've stood on the streets doing it with other vegans and animal rights advocates. Finally I realised that compassion was not an idea that could be argued or debated, but that it was a sleeping angel that people would have at access within themselves. Furthermore, that this journey into LOVE is one we will ALL have to take, if we are to evolve ourselves and live a miraculous life!

The amazing thing is, that once you choose to participate in this way of life, it is as though this very consciously aware and evolving universe wraps its arms around you and assists you all the way. This ease of transition and the wonderful beings I have come into contact with, both human and non-human, is why I firmly believe that the universe is evolving towards LOVE.

Our society and the planet are presently in crisis. We can either act now, with every thought and action, moment by moment, or the earth will continue to do it for us, in order to rectify the situation that we have created. I would like to see this transformative process occur in a gentle and nurturing way, both within each and every one of us, and within the society itself.

The crisis that we have gotten ourselves into, affords us ALL an equal opportunity for great learning and conscious development in a very short period of time. The faster we evolve our consciousness as creative individuals, the faster we will evolve a species and the better everything will be for all beings, humans, animals and otherwise. It's time to act now and when you choose compassion and positivity, something truly remarkable will awaken within you.

About the Writer Coral Hull

Coral is the author of over fifty books of poetry, prose poetry, fiction, artwork and digital photography. Born with Autism in 1965, she was raised under disadvantaged circumstances in the working class suburb of Liverpool in Sydney's outer west. Coral became concerned with issues of social justice and spirituality from an early age. Coral became an ethical vegan and an animal rights advocate who has since spent much of her life working voluntarily on behalf of animals and the environment, both as an individual and for various non-profit organisations. She is also the Executive Editor of Thylazine; an electronic journal featuring articles, interviews and reviews of the recent work of Australian writers and artists. Coral Hull's complete works are now available from Artesian Productions. Coral holds a Doctor of Creative Arts Degree (Creative Writing Major) from the University of Wollongong. An extensive biography, list of publications, interviews, articles and reviews are online. Coral is The Director of The Thylazine Foundation: Arts, Ethics and Literature.
   [Above] Photo of Coral Hull by Coral Hull, 2001.

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