Monologue on the inexplainable
it has something to do with the kind of stillness required
to attract a butterfly to land
and those times we might spontaneously combust
if touched
how a heart can freeze right in the middle
of a heat wave
and the swan whose song we mimic to demonstrate
inconsolable pain
it has something to do with a town becoming an ocean
in which the drifting poet is in danger of drowning
and just to get her bearings approaches a church
of childhood religion
and through the doorway sees a congregation of six or eight
huddled in a life boat
and one of them turns a big face soft and damp and the poet thinks
if I'm invited I will
but the eyes in the face just stare out at nothing
as she floats by
it has something to do with these words being padding
for a meaning
that can only be discovered if kept safe
from intellect and desire
Published in The Last Tourist (Five Islands Press, 2006).