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SWEET SONG OF THE SUN by Nicole Lawler

[Above] Photo of Nicole Lawler by Andrew Butterworth, 2001.

Nicole Lawler


Succulent, silver sunsets salve
tired, world-weary eyes.
Buzzing, flitting minds sink
sweetly into soft serenity.

The orange orb bursts forth
Timeless beginnings blunder;
Stretching tiny fingers of light
into the cool shade of the night

Warmth soaks the granules of the earth
Thawing the gnawing unruliness of dark
Life awakens sleepily seeking
the day laid out before all

Diamonds of our days drip through the hours
Stumbling and skitting - our day slides by
Bringing morsels of knowledge
The chimes of our times tinker, now linger til -

The sands of our life-threads sail on our life-boats
That await, as fate, lapping snugly at shores
til we are moored no more
By this whimsical world.

About the Poet Nicole Lawler

I have been writing since I was 12 years old. I am currently working on the second book of a fantasy novel and have begun two other major novels. However, for the most part, for this past year, I have been writing short-stories and poetry. I have only recently begun to seek professional publishing of these works. I have had a number of poems accepted for publishing in Scotland and America and have had my collection of short-stories accepted for ebook publishing. At 24 years of age, I hope that this is only the beginning of my career in creative writing. I would love to be able to devote my days in full to weaving amazing tales into words and sharing them with others. To become a full time writer would be my dream. In the last year or so a colleague and I founded The Gloomsbury Circle which is a writer’s circle for young and talented writers in Queensland and from around Australia. I am a member of the Queensland Writer’s Centre who form a wonderful support and information basis for writers. I hail from Brisbane but have recently set out to the UK and currently reside in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. I am honoured to have my poem “Sweet Song of the Sun” accepted for publishing in a forum of peace such as this.
   [Above] Photo of Nicole Lawler by Andrew Butterworth, 2001.

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