around here sunset
comes on like a tipped
up cart of peaches
from my verandah I watch
the plummy rot of clouds
evaporate like a bruise.
I follow the jacaranda's
purple carpet fade to black
& the cessation of the snap
dragon's lunge at the grass.
the sky molts like an animal.
night shakes itself awake &
crawls out its bag of dark
the star cupboard unlatches;
whole galaxies tumble into
existence. the hot bubble
of jupiter rises above a
porcelain dish of moon.
in front of my eyes midnight
loosens its hair; thick thick
space falls onto my shoulders.
I run my fingers through
its matted knots till sleep
like a vinyl-gloved hand
presses on my eyes;
sheds its clutch of furry
petals on my tongue.
Published in Overland (Australia).