Another one-sided conversation.
You absent without say.
O.K., Jan, I am pondering
mortality. The road from Wollongong
is curved and holds the car
like a smoothing stone. We cruise over it. The physics work,
sing. A skin of water herringbones the road.
Trees on both sides of us meet far off,
find the vanishing point in this triptych.
This sky, (the ideal two-thirds equation)
has cast persistent rain for the past week,
is now nothing but indigoid grace.
Monstrously kind, our vast,
wisped wrapping.
I could not leave this
without heartache, regret.
When my day comes I will resist, fight for sky.
I will argue for you on your day,
("What about everything she'll miss?")
seek you compensation of days,
try to beg you more beauty.
I will lose. You and I will die regardless.
That monster in your head
did not come from this sky.
It crept in from somewhere
else. (This sky.) You slept, it came.
If you hadn't slept it would have come.
You in that chair, your slippered feet
useful only to slippers,
the first thing I see when I see you
only because they offend me.
Red slippers should be (high heels, fluff) kicked into the sky
just before you run naked
from one joy (bath) to another (bed).
I want to know that you will laugh
once you have fallen through the chair.
(I find you in a Bruegel landscape, (yellow varnished)
far off, a chair, red feet in the air, allegorical red herring.
Figures near you seem to be drowning a heretic,
or baptising, or assaulting their (grim) senses with pleasure;
pursuing some kind of masochistic toil- at least.)