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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                   #9/thyla9k-mb
The Poetry of Magdalena Ball
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Magdalena Ball by photographer unknown, 2004.

I Sleeping Dogs I Solitaire I After the Rain I Body Language I Diamond I Whorl I

Sleeping Dogs

Let sleeping dogs lie
Let the night go by
Once, twice
Or twenty times I pass by your body
Heavily curled
Blanketed by your own funk

Let the curtains blow in
As the rain falls
And you roll over snoring
I pace the boards
Trying not to creak
Keeping everyone else quiet
So you can continue to flay yourself
in nightmares and self-accusations

Baby on one shoulder
Two boys on the other
I become a scale
Holding the balance
Looking emptily into the darkness
Sore and shaky from the load
tamping the emotion
swallowing exhaustion
like laudanum
like tumbler after tumbler of your whisky
while I wonder
but never ask
when everything is perfect as it will ever be
you aren't happy.


Did you wake up one morning
beer cans, guitar, cowboy boots
your tarnished armour scattered
about the ground
throw off the covers
and look for him?

The boy you left
bundled up with your domestic mistakes
your false dreams of normalcy
turned prison.

Did you see his eyes in the mirror
and feel the abandonment
a child again alone, facing the second half
of your life without
without distraction
the umbilical cord cut forever.

Would he know you in the street?
In his next life? In the hereafter?
Or are you truly playing

Published in Long Story Short (USA).


When they cut the noose
his twitching body
lay emptied of meaning
in her lap.
Colder than it had ever been.
While the rain fell.
A thousand tears.
Washing the blood
And pain.

When they cut the ties
The train pulled out of the station
Conductor's whistle ending finally
Their union
Those fragile vows
Beneath the metal tracks.
She stood alone
In the clink click
Of disappearing wheels
While the rain fell.
A thousand tears.
Washing the blood
And pain.

When they cut the cake
Another year gone
Blue eyes full of illusions
Three generations of
Loss and gain
Life and death
He dreams of a convict past
Alone in his small cot
And wakes in innocence
A rainbow before his small face
A thousand tears
A thousand lives
Washing the blood
And pain.

Published in Moca Memoirs (USA).

Body Language

If I could reach
Into my heart
Fingers caressing the veins
And arteries
Past ventricles and valves
Into the steaming depths
Of my chest
And bring out something beating
To give you
You might know
What my hapless words fail at
Every time I open my mouth
Every time I write
In poorly coupled rhymes
Strained rhythms
And loaded cliches.

If I could tear off my skin
Peeling layers of derma from the surface
Until there was only bone
You might see beauty
The delicate structure of my devotion

So I reach and pull, tear and peel
Hands out
Holding something
Which I hope will reveal truth
Its form purified by pain and blood
Open my palm
And find it empty.

Published in The Harpweaver (Canada).



You came and went so
quickly I could
hardly taste
the chocolaty trail you left
those syrupy words
dripping into my

I wanted to leave you there
And never talk to you again.
Except for those times
I lick my lips
and swallow your
silvery wake
nighttime smoke
like the longing felt for
someone dead.

Published in Bird Before Landing (Australia).


From this point
everything begins.
He comes out crying
No need for a smack.
Eyes wide,
fighting the light and shock.
Slippery, red, and
incredibly solid.
From this point
it all begins.
The whorl,
where superfine hair grows
like one of those spiral galaxies.
Andromeda or Triangulum.
Full of stars
and the promise of real life.
Different from anything
we have known,
but starting at the same point.

Published in The Uncontained Sea (Australia).

About the Poet Magdalena Ball

Magdalena Ball has been writing professionally for over 20 years. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from CCNY (New York) with a BA in English Literature. She also studied English literature and business at a postgraduate level at Oxford University in the UK and Charles Sturt University in Australia and has an MBA. She has been published in magazines within Australia and through the world and is the author of The Art of Assessment: How to Review Anything, and The Literary Lunch: Recipes For a Hungry Mind. Magdalena is a staff writer at E2K and Editor-In-Chief of The Compulsive Reader (Book Reviews) and Preschool Entertainment web sites and is a manuscript assessor for Catchfire Press, a small publishing house.
   [Above] Photo of Magdalena Ball by photographer unknown, 2004.

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Thylazine No.9 (March, 2004)

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