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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                         #8/thyla8d
By Coral Hull

[Above] BodyPolitik - Emperor (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004)

"Do not honor our leaders, our military 'geniuses', our captains of industry; they represent the most selfish faction among us. Many are sociopaths and the rest are mostly so; how else could they go through life choosing mass murder and oppression for greedy purpose?"
(A Letter to the Future, Chris Crittenden, Professor of Ethics and Writer)

Part One - A Problem for Humanity: Moral Conscience

Why is it so difficult for someone with ethics to get by in this society? Why does it appear that the good are punished while the evil are rewarded? Why is is a rare event for a checkout operator to get a smile or a thank you from a customer? Why is it the exception and not the rule for a baby calf to grow up into a young bull by his mother's side, without being murdered so we can drink his mother's milk? And why is it so hard for a child to make it to secondary school without being sexually abused? Likewise, why is it a challenge to get Australian poets to be supportive of each other's work and to donate food to homeless kids? Why does it so often appear, that something as simple as not having sex with your own children and not feasting on the flesh of murdered sentient beings and their family members is unattainable in this so called 'civilised' human society? This, of course, would be okay, if we accept that there is no right and no wrong. If 'god is dead', then it simply becomes a 'free for all', or a 'survival of the fittest' and 'screw the rest' existence. Then we wonder why we are not happy.

The problem is when the society that participates in this frenzy of suffering and abuse, then claims to have moral conscience at the same time. The same poets who write poems of outrage about starving children refuse to give even $1.00 in order to feed them. Why is that? What forces are at play within the cosmos and within the human psyche to create such loathing? To give or not to give? To love or not to love? Is the thought of our own humanity so terrifiying that we are unable to reach inwards? Is the shallow, unfeeling, uncaring, non-empathetic hate-ridden path of the psychopath an easier route? We may think we love ourselves, but how can we while we do not love in an overall sense? Compassion is not just a halfway house and without it, the spiritual road block stops all vehicles, so that even our own supplies cannot get through. When the world starves so do we starve, if not in the belly then in our souls, since I do believe that all humans possess some form of moral conscience.

If there was no compassion and no empathy to begin with, then the way that this so-called civilisation operates at present wouldn't be a problem for anyone. Neither would there be any problem, when people like Christ, Joan of Arc, John Lennon, Ghandi, Martin Luther King and the millions of human and non-human victims of mass geneocide throughout history were so easily murdered within this society. If psychopathy was intrinsic to human nature, Jesus wouldn't have needed to come back on the Sunday, because he wouldn't have been missed when he was murdered on the Friday. In fact there wouldn't be any pain or opposition to that which causes pain. There may have been a celebration on Good Friday as our sadism was relished and fulfiled. If we were all psychopathic the hunger would have returned by Sunday but not the remorse, and certainly not the joy of resurrection and rebirth. Both are envied by the psychopath who is unmoved and so remains unchanged.
Being psychopathic by nature, we would cherish the sadism within us and when we initiated this horror on others, we would raise the false flag of victory in an unfeeling celebration and squabble like Tolkien's Orcs [i] in mutual envy.

There would be no animal rights activists, no Wilderness Society, no Rainbow Warrior, no Camp Quality, no Amnesty International and no charitable organisations.

In fact, we'd just all go for it 'helter skelter' and 'come what may'. That is, everybody would be out for themselves, cut the throat of your neighbour with your left hand as soon as look them in the eye, and keep your right hand free in order to shake hands with every narcissistic psychopath who ever existed over a pile of decomposing broken lives, with only the delight of experiencing the sadistic acts performed upon others, now stopping you from turning on yourself.

What most psychopaths do not know, is that having turned on the world they have already turned on themselves. The psychopath may appear powerful and impenetrable but the truth is that this predator is riddled by inner hatred that is conveniently and irresponsibly projected onto the world around them in violent ways.

[Above] Swarm-SoCieTy (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004)

Fortunately, the majority of human beings choose not to operate in that fashion and that is how this society has loosely held itself together, not through the assistance of the law, but through the many hands and willing hearts of its individuals, some of whom form small cooperative groups. However it is unfortunate that people may be assisting psychopathy by remaining unaware, or by the adoption of a handful of psychopathic traits. Rejecting psychopathy means having the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to then creatively participate in the understanding and awareness of the existence of both, while acting with compassion.

To live without fear is to live in love and joy. It is the ability to remain centred, supporting both the hand that holds the darkness and the hand that holds the light in the fathomless evolving universe while working, always working, our way towards the light, or that which illuminates or enhances our existence. It is an acceptance of the mystery beyond and the coming into awareness within from that mystery, that allows us to evolve as a species. It is not so much what these opposites are, as what they represent to each of us. Rather than god or love, I often like to refer to this state as 'our humanity' or 'our faith' or 'our purpose'. Without purpose we may as well not have been born. Purpose is a physical act and our humanity is our true calling. Our struggle today is to remain alive to our essence, not just to survive physically, but to love ourselves and to continue to love others. For being alive without the love of an essential self is a psychopathic existence. The question now is, if we are human beings then why do a lot of us feel that we do not fit into a human society? I'll tell you why. Because this so called 'civilised human society' has very few humans in it who are totally in touch with their humanity on a moment by moment basis. It is so often run by psychopaths and, more tragically, it is supported by their hysterical and dissociated cohorts who make up a larger percentage than the psychopaths themselves.

When one who is non-psychopathic remains oblivious to psychopathy, they become the naive and unsuspecting victim of the psychopath. By entering this agreement with a human predator, they have unknowingly participated in the web of degradation and despair. Whether accidentally falling victim or remaining deliberately masochistic, whether they have not survived in their bodies or not survived in their own hearts, they have assisted the psychopath in creating a society that is inhuman, in that it lacks all moral conscience and compassion. In order to counteract psychopathy we have to look within. There we will have a chance of accessing and owning our humanity and returning the gift of life to our greater being. It begins with who we are. We suffer so we cause others to suffer. They suffer so we are caused to suffer. But before we look at the solution, it might be of use to take a look at the problem, and that is the successful social psychopath to whom we all give free reign, the monster amongst us not as yet incarcerated, except within the prison of themselves.

Part Two - The Predator in our Midst

"Unfortunately, there is no law against inhumanity." (Law & Order)

"... Those with APD (Anti-social personality disorder) are grandoise, arrogant, callous, superficial, and manipulative." (Alterman et al. 2000). Those with APD are short-tempered, unable to form strong emotional bonds with others, lacking empathy, guilt, or remorse (Smith 1999). Behaviorally, those with APD are irresponsive, impulsive, and prone to violate social and legal norms and expectations. (Smith 1999). These personalities show traits of "guiltlessness, superficial charm, egocentricity, incapacity for love, an absence of shame or remorse, a lack of psychological insight, bouts of insecurity, emotional shallowness, and an inability to learn from past experience ..." (Alterman et al. 2000). Does this remind you of someone you know?

There is a successful predator in our midst and perhaps within our collective and individual consciousness who goes by several names; narcissist, sociopath or the psychopath. When we think of a psychopath we may think of a political dictator, but more than likely we would think of a serial killer, usually from America, who gets the electric chair for killing lots of people, that's if they are caught out by the guys at Crime Scene Investigation.

The irony is that the death penalty, by its very nature of detachment and incapacity for love and mercy is also psychopathic. Therefore as supporters of the death penalty we become the murdering psychopath or 'the object of our fear' that we sought to eradicate. Thus the psychopathy lives on to take centre stage in our injured psyches and through our injured psyches we create a greater injury within the universe. "... You can abandon the narcissist - but the narcissist never abandons you. He is there, deep inside your traumatic memories, lurking, waiting to act out. You have been modified, very much like an alien snatching bodies ..." (Malignant Self Love by Sam Vaknin). Yet for many victims of serious crimes such as the criminal psychopath inflicts, there may not be relief even after the psychopath is physically absent. For some there may not be a second chance.
When we think of the psychopath we picture the composed predator who calmly describes killing his parents or taking prostitutes to" the middle of the meadow" [ii] in order to clean up the streets as a favour to us all.

We hear from the police who are subjected to them in the interview rooms daily that they are non-feeling inhuman predators who cannot be saved and that some even die in the electric chair or the injection room with smiles on their calm faces.

We never hear of the psychopaths who act out fantasies of control within an already controlled environment such as a prison or a psych ward, a hospital or a university. We hear that psychopaths are charismatic leaders who influence people to commit mass suicide through cults.

While they fit the category and we can disagree with them, then that makes us non-psychopathic, as long as we believe it does.

It is therefore not surprising to find out that aside from a few fictional crime shows and old re-runs of Unsolved Mysteries, we are not educated about the nature of common everyday psychopaths or various psychopathic behaviours.

[Above] The Joker (I) (Artwork by artist unknown, year unknown)

While we do not understand psychopathy, we do not understand where love suceeds or where love fails. Under-educated in this area, we interpret psychopathy as something that we are not and something that will have no bearing on our lives unless by a freak occurrence or sheer bad luck. Since a psychopath is a skilled human predator we can only hope to immediately fall prey in any relationship entered into with one. By particpation in a mutual relationship with a psychopath, we fall victim to what I call learned psychopathy; or that which: 1) allows the natural born psychopaths to successfully predate upon our generosity by our indiscriminate nurturing, 2) the masochistic psycho sexual attraction 3) abandoning our own humanity for a shallow narcisstic psychopathic existence and 4) the hatred and fear born of ignorance - the fear of the psychopath within.

I have heard of a psychopath described as "an alien" inhabiting a human body, psychopathy cannot be compared to the natural world beyond the conscience of humanity. A lioness kills a gazelle because she has to, whereas a psychopath kills a victim because he enjoys it. A favourite haunt of the civilised psychopath is in positions of authority such as politican, teacher, doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist and clergy where abuse may be conducted behind closed doors without ramification. Human beings may kill other humans and beings when they feel there is no choice, or out of fear, or greed born of fear, or ignorance, or out of a sense of imposed duty, which they see as the defense of a culture or a country that they believe has become an extension of themselves, but only a psychopath will resort to torture, genocide and megalomania without remorse, guilt or struggle of conscience. Malice is the spiritual ecstasy of the psychopathic personality and sadism is the fire that drives their shallow and violent sexuality. So is sadism a mental illness? Are they bad, mad or just sad?

Donald W. Black M.D., author of Bad Boys Bad Men argues that Anti-Social Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that some are born with and others develop. The results however are the same for the victims and there is no known cure for the perpetrators. The question is how to protect humans from human predators? In the case of the psychopath this is usually left up to law enforcement rather than the mental health industry. Aside from the image fed to us by the mass media, we don't want to understand psychopathy. We like to think that while there are perhaps a few strays drifting around, and always in somebody else's city (New York City or Los Angeles), or alternatively that most of the psychopaths are already actually in gaol on death row. We are afraid of psychopaths because they are the predators amongst us, our family members and our work associates. We wrongly invalidate them by denying them existence, because the truth of them terrifies us and in today's world. We do not need any more terror in our lives. Since society supports and promotes 'fear' over 'love' the psychopaths appear to have the upper-hand in a non-empathetic world and we are unable to control them.

We push them from our minds or relegate them to fiction. We deny their existence with the inner voice of reassurance that this will never happen to us, and all the while they grow stronger and the crimes against humanity are allowed to continue unhindered. So we do nothing and by denying the psychopath we deny the victim. We invalidate the experience of the victim and validate the experience of the perpetrator and as such we turn ourselves into the accessory of the psychopath and eventually into the psychopath himself. Once they have earnt our attention the psychopath becomes infamous whereas the victim becomes faceless. We are secretly awed by the survival of the predator killer. They are the winners. We want to align ourselves with winners not losers. Where once we denied them, we now offer them recognition. The psychopath always feels rewarded with fear and so, almost as if to make them them happy hunters, we reward them with our fear. In the process we become the very fear that consumes us. The psychopath depends on this in order to succeed.

[Above Left] i-Fear (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004) [Above Right] i-Dea (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004)

Therefore the civilized whitecollar psychopath is denied because 1) they are amongst us as family, friends and work associates, therefore influencing and controlling the society and the flow of information within it and 2) because we are unable to face our own actions of immorality, or our own psychopathic identification. We are afraid of our own psychopathy and so we give our power over to them via projection. The tragedy is that while murder of the human body is against the law, it will usually be the legal murder of the soul and the personality that is aimed for by the predator. Those in gaol are the unsuccessful psychopaths because they get caught and are stopped from further action. The successful professionals are the ones who do not get caught. They are the ones who permeate our society at every level, from the factory worker to the High Court judge, the destroyers of countless lives, energy vampires, parasites and the haters. They run the gaols, the churches and the culture, supported by our own lack of empathy. In a civilsed society there would be no such thing as a slaughterhouse.

"... Some researchers see criminal psychopathy as an extreme of a "normal" personality dimension (or dimensions). They characterise criminal psychopaths as "unsuccessful psychopaths ..." The implication, of course, is that many psychopaths may exist in society who cope better than do those who come to the attention of the judicial system ... The study of "ambulatory" psychopaths - what we call "The Garden Variety Psychopath" - has, however, hardly begun ... Cleckley's speculations on what was "really wrong" with these people. He comes very close to suggesting that they are human in every respect - but that they lack a soul ... This lack of "soul quality" makes them very efficient "machines." They can be brilliant, write scholarly works, imitate the words of emotion, but over time, it becomes clearer that their words do not match their actions ..." Extract from the article; "Official Culture" in America A Natural State of Psychopathy?" (The Cassiopaea website).

In their own world, the psychopaths are all on the same road as the serial killers, from poet to politician, from delinquent to vivisector and in their world of shallow emotions, no attachments, no future ramifications for their actions, no empathy, remorse and no moral development, the gift of intelligence may very well land in the wrong hands where there will be no personal and no spirtual growth so that "tomorrow will be just the same as today". [iii] "... A psychopath can be passive or aggressive. The passive types tend to be parasitic or exploitative of others. They have frequent problems with the law but usually manage to get out of serious trouble and punishment. The aggressive type tend to be the more dangerous type that commit major crimes. They are the sexually sadistic, who have a need for constant stimulation. It appears that sexual arousal is the motivating factor in their crimes ..." (Smith, 1999) You don't have to go looking for them. They will find you.

The psychopaths are amongst us and they are expert predators tolerated by an ignorant and non-enquiring majority who may possess psychopathic traits. "... The psychopath knows whom to "choose". According to the author of The Psychopathic Mind (Meloy), when needing to manipulate a female, the psychopath often targets women who are what is often called "the dumb blonde" type, the kind of woman who exudes naivete, often unconscious of her own sexuality, vapid innocence, often not too bright -- their personalities usually border on the Pollyanaish, and they always see a silver lining in every cloud ... She is nurturing and all-giving, while he is closed-off and retentive ..." (The Cassiopaea website). The psychopath chooses you, as much as you choose them. Eternal prisoners of their own flawed natures, they will each walk that same road towards your house whenever you leave the lights on and the door open. If that psychopath gets inside, you will receive the kiss of death within moments and whatever way you look at it, you will be swept under a speeding locomotive. After this, if you are strong or lucky enough to survive and move on, part of your soul will remain with them inside it.

Any relationship with a psychopath will involve a slow spiritual death. You will arrive in your life as a zombie for his amusement, living in a state of comatosed existence where your mind walks without your body and your body walks without your mind, as you alternatively associate and disassociate within the sadistic world of psychopathy. This murder will drag at your being while the psychopath enjoys the moments of your struggle.
You can run to escape but if you do not put your light into safe keeping, every road you leave behind or that is before you will lead back to him. He will be waiting without breath or blinking, a skilled predator, who does not expend too much energy in a world of the countless victims available to him or her.

He, who like a false and perfect god on the surface, who is all forgiving and therefore always willing to accept your return into his big trap of nothing to lose and nothing within.

For while you are living, you are lit and light is what repels and attracts them. They are the successful psychic vampires who kill without mercy and who initiate the war of violence where only evil can have its victory ...

A psychopath is not psychotic. They have a developed understanding of good and evil and they choose evil. If you have an ounce of goodness in you, they will dismantle and disassemble you with every sentence, every movement, every gesture.

They do not put on an act for awhile or have several dysfunctional traits that come and go. They readily, willingly and deliberately practice the art of inhumanity. The lazy, shallow, hedonistic, dishonest, parasidical existence of the psychopath is often rewarded in this shallow culture.

[Above] The Joker (II) (Artwork by artist unknown, year unknown)

The psychopathic mind bypasses beauty and sacrifices ecstacy. "... If, as we maintain, the big rewards of love, of the hard job well done, of faith kept despite sacrifices, do not enter significantly in the equation, it is not difficult to see that the psychopath is likely to be bored. Being bored, he will seek to cut up more than the ordinary person to relieve the tedium of his unrewarding existence. If we think of a theater half filled with ordinary pubertal boys who must sit through a performance of King Lear or of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, we need ask little of either imagination or memory to bring to mind the restless figeting, the noisy intercommunication or trivialities, the inappropriate guffaws or catcalls, and perhaps the spitballs of the mischievious application of a pin to the fellow in the next seat ..." (The Mask of Sanity by Harvey Cleckley)

If you think that spending a night in Shelob Ungolianth's Lair [iv] is your idea of living, then become involved with a psychopath. You may survive, but your endurance will be perpetually tested by an expert examiner without mercy and your limits will be pushed and pulled at every turn as he expends his energy trying to do what he knows best, that is to disassemble, defile and destroy. He will infect and poison all chance of intimacy. He will bring other women to your bed when you are not there and brag about it, he will try to rape your children in their beds, he will rape and bash his mother in her bed, he will throw his legs across you and pin you down while he sleeps and will then be contented with his loveless back and satisfied smirk turned away from your tears. He will be quietly draining your energy while he sleeps and you will wonder why you have sleepless nights and the nightmares continue and why the sleeping pills become less effective over time. If you think that you are strong enough spiritually to cope with this, okay, but you are still ineffective, dropping your pebble onto the sand.

The true psychopath does not change. If you attempt to change them, you will not only be disappointed, you will be defeated by all that is hopeless. You will be faced again and again with your own failure and you will sink into an unending experience of despair. This is what happens when we set up dumb hope in a hopeless situation and expect god to bail us out. To cast the pebble into sand or to be able to hypnotise yourself enough to be able to fall in love with a psychopath is spiritual suicide. On an ethical level it empowers fear and hatred in a society of beings already at risk of being devoured. Do not empower them by recognition or association. Do not subject yourself to it, your children, your family members, the generations to come. Responsibility starts with your inner strength to recognise a situation and act accordingly and without fear. To hold your pebbles within and cast them into many ponds where the ripples will continue on, in order to impact positively upon the world.

While weak, evil is strong enough to attract. Its attraction is part of his hypnosis, 'his' making you into 'his' prey. The psychopath may be female. It selects, it attracts, it hypnotises and it disables. Meanwhile you will be fifty percent responsible for your particpation. Unlike the the hunter prey relationship outside human society, the human victim may unconsciously set up the situation as much as the predator. Of course, this does not occur in all cases. There are some cases where the victim has no choice and therefore no responsibility. To avoid tragedy and in order to find the right place to cast our pebble where it will have a ripple affect, we must discriminate between psychopathic and non-psychopathic behaviour. We must sometimes leave Hell to itself. You cannot be friends with a psychopath. They have no friends. There are only victims and/or potential victims.

[Above Left] Cybernation-442 (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004) [Above Right] into the pandemonium (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004)


So how do we counteract the psychopath within? It's very simple. Start here and now. Act without fear and with humanity. Learn to live and love from children and animals. Do not raise a finger to harm them. Do not eat them and do not screw them. Ask yourself: "What did I do today to add to world psychopathy and how can I turn it around by changing my habits and attitudes?" As much as this is hard for anyone who is under the spell of psychopathy, we must realise that the psychopath too has their pain. It would be easier at least in the short term to make them into the only enemy in order to not see our part in the scenario, or in order for us not see the world's hands on our vulnerable hearts. As an uncaring and self-interested self-serving species of the brink of global destruction, we walk the same psychic wire as a psychopath. Despite the trend against morality in the arts, there is simply no good reason to torture and murder sentient beings, to have sex with children, to kill off the natural world or to turn a blind eye to human starvation. None of this need ever happen and yet it continues to happen every day and each one of us is responsible. Why do we, as poets, not give $1.00 a week in order to feed hungry children? What does it take to reach the humanity within? Why do we make excuses and reasons for that $1.00 and expend our energy in negative ways instead? Through our dissociation, ignorance and apathy we aid and abet psychopathy. We turn over our personal power to them like a dog who rolls onto its back and pisses into the wind. Then we wonder why everything around us continues on its path to suffering and annihilation.

We assist psychopathy by both inaction and action. We head towards the light and they head towards our light, but always there is this pull inside our own hearts either way. It is not a matter of joining a political party, organisation, bureaucracy or corporation, where the psychopaths are in control and you wish you were as in control as them. We need look within for the problem and the solution. We need to remember our humanity before it is lost forever, drained from our uncaring and therefore unfeeling souls by the psychic vampires of the world. It is not what they did to us back then, whether it was twenty years ago or twenty minutes ago, but instead how we can act to make it better from now on. Ask the deepest part of yourself, where through love, all fear is obselete and you will know what to do. That is where our humanity is. But where lies our greatest potential for strength, there also lies our greatest potential for weakness and that is the door through which the psychpoath enters. The psychopath enters through the same door that we enter. He finds a comfortable place in our fearful hearts in order to make his home, and we allow the guest predator to vandalise, defile and destroy.

We must learn to align the rooms of light with the 'Welcome' doormat for others, but not to become that doormat. Expect opposition every step of the way and learn to recognise the psychopath in his or her many disguises. He or she will often come to visit the house of your heart as a victim or in disguise as moral conscience. Watch his actions and do not listen to his words even when he pretends to be a poet or an artist. I have seen the psychopaths' revulsion and envy towards all life and beauty and towards everything aware and compassionate. If you are alight with wisdom he will not choose you as his next victim. However if the light of your psyche is bordered by the dark and hidden rooms and those lonely corridors that will invite him in, it may be a different story. So chose your narrative and shine brightly and have faith that through your example all bright lights will shine brightly. We have to set the beacons alight inside our hearts in order to see them shine across the world. Psychopathy exists and there are no guarantees, but you can at least learn to defend and strengthen yourself from within. The greatest war to come will not be broadcast on CNN via satellite and it will not be fought in the parliaments or in the court houses. Instead it will be fought where the perpetuation of a winner and a loser will one day end, and that is inside the vulnerable landscape of human consciousness.


[i] Orcs - Warring servants of the Dark Lords. Orcs were squat, swarthy creatures. Most of them preferred the darkness, being blinded by the light of the Sun. (The Encyclopedia of Arda, A Reference Guide to the Works of JRR Tolkien)
[ii] and [iii]
Song lyrics for Aspiring Sociopath by Atmosphere

Talk radio gets a lot of play in his vehicle
It teaches him topics to discuss with real people
So when he stops to get gas or hit that coffee shop
His neurotic ass can act like he knows a whole lot
Pour some sugar on me, my counterfeit personality

He's gonna drive the escort to the middle of that meadow
Thinking about how he can leave this city
He loves to drive more than he loves being alive
And this town doesn't even know his real name

It goes bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove the Ford to the border to disturb the order
If only that he'd known that he wouldn't be missed
Maybe then he could have grown to exist

[Above] Corporape (Artwork by Shane Carter, 2004)

[iv] The dark tunnels of Cirith Ungol. A partial English translation of Torech Ungol, the name of the black, mazelike lair of Shelob in the pass of Cirith Ungol (The Encyclopedia of Arda, A Reference Guide to the Works of JRR Tolkien)


The Encyclopedia of Arda: A Reference Guide to the Works of JRR Tolkien at http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/
Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisted at http://samvak.tripod.com/
Bad Boys Bad Men: Confronting Anti-Social Personality Disorder, Donald W. Black, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA.
The Cassiopaea website at http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/psychopath.htm
The Emptied Soul: On the Nature of the Psychopath, Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, Spring Publications, Woodstock, Connecticut, USA.
The Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley M.D., The Cassiopaea website at http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sanity_1.PdF
Narcissism/Psychopath Support Group at http://groups.msn.com/NarcissismSupportGroupMoralandSpiritualStruggle/home.msnw
Violent Attachments, J. Reid Meloy, Jason Aronson Inc. New Jersey, London, UK.
Without Conscience, Robert D.Hare PhD, The Guildford Press, New York, NY, USA.

About the Writer Coral Hull

Coral is the author of over 35 books of poetry, prose poetry, fiction, artwork and digital photography. Born in 1965 she was raised under disadvantaged circumstances in the working class suburb of Liverpool in Sydney's outer west. Coral became concerned with issues of social justice and spirituality from an early age. Coral became an ethical vegan and an animal rights advocate who has since spent much of her life working voluntarily on behalf of animals and the environment, both as an individual and for various non-profit organisations. She is also the Executive Editor and Publisher of Thylazine. Coral Hull's complete works are now available online from Artesian Productions. Coral holds a Doctor of Creative Arts Degree (Creative Writing Major) from the University of Wollongong. An extensive biography, list of publications, festivals, interviews, articles and reviews are online. Coral is The Director of The Thylazine Foundation: Arts, Ethics and Literature. Coral Hull's work is in the public domain for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons License.
   [Above] Coral Hull, Elliot Hotel, Elliot, Northern Territory, Australia. (Photo by Coral Hull, 2001)

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Thylazine No.8 (September, 2003)

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