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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #8/thyla8k-kg
The Poetry of Kevin Gillam
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Kevin Gillam by photographer unknown, 2001.

I ...women do the I little boats I long hand I my town I autumn I three ponds I (untitled) I

...women do the

women do the re
membering, social glue. wo
men do the walls and

floor in blood and bleach.
women flit and web and wean.
in season, women

shed, grow in rings. wo
men do the kneading, grieving,
the remembering

little boats

it takes an age
to get back

like little boats

back to where I've
been infected

rowed out too far

with place and purpose

widows have tiptoed

purpose such that unravelling
and sifting



the splintery sea

an age

long hand

dream, dalliance
into sky,

in scrawls of cloud

the lean-to shed
more lean
than promise.

beyond the stock-yards
wind-chafed soil,

gone bracken,
an orphaned gum.
she hadn't expected this,

in cunning duet,

the long-hand
of history

Published in Five Bells (Australia).

my town

in my town in my little town the wind whips the Sound
sand sinned in my town silos sit squat
and red dread dead in my town its not my town my town
trapped between two hills in my town jet-
ty is only truth left planks clunking atop feet fiend
find my town way back then once upon
a town is my town gulls cut loose lose lies my town is-
lands splotched spilt gills on the jetty gulp-
ing sucking in my town in my town weekends wheelies
the drive through the carton froth fright fights
in my town flayed flinched in my little town night knife life
lost in my town in my little town

Published in Other Gravities (Sunline Press, 2003).


the grapes have long rotted

your subtle veins of soft creek
lisp and beat.  we lie
all unexplored,
yet my tongue is cut wood

rain took the last of the crop

and I hear petals unlatch.
we touch like cripples
in the gallery of
your still interiors

ants have forgotten

to hold my bones in place,
you caressing but corroding
bridge upon bridge,
us shot away

wizened skins drop

three ponds

there's a difference in me
that wants to forget
ritual, sweetness of same

absence carried, heavier
the having you here
only your song long shot through

and call it ponding what you're
doing, three ponds, not
stagnant, shadowed, still as now


history seeping,
darkening the dressing, 'til

in Noongar song lines,
suturing time to sky and
land to whites and why

About the Poet Kevin Gillam

Kevin Gillam is a West Australian writer, cellist, orchestral conductor and secondary-school music teacher. Since completing a Graduate Diploma in English (Creative Writing) at Curtin University, he has had poems published in numerous Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and U.K. journals, including Meanjin, Overland, Coppertales, SideWalk, Western Review, Five Bells, Southern Review and Famous Reporter. In 2000 he was Emerging-Writer-in-Residence at Tom Collins' House, and was granted the same position at the Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre in 2002. His first volume of poetry, entitled Other Gravities and published by SunLine Press (Perth, R.R.P. $25, hardback) was launched in May 2003, and in September of that year he worked as Writer on the Road for the WA State Literature Centre, conducting workshops and readings throughout the Great Southern Region of WA.
   [Above] Photo of Kevin Gillam by photographer unknown, 2001.

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Thylazine No.8 (September, 2003)

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