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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                     #8/thyla8k-jp
The Poetry of Joyce Parkes
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Joyce Parkes by Jody Driscoll, 2002.

I Approaching Mount Victoria I Wheat Fields I Miner miens I Territory's Edge I Iridian arms I
Darwin, N.T. I Fish and Firewood I

Approaching Mount Victoria

Through Blacktown, to
the Blue Mountains, a
long ascent, a distant

driver's bent. When
climbing fleets to snow-
peaks spin on silken

roads, some halted
wheels repeat rain's
recurring floods and flow.

Wheat Fields

(For G.S.)

Golden strands of
pollen wheat, light
and softly flowing
Swaying, rocking,
whispering or still,
whatever stems will.

Miner miens

A grit, with strands of
green, light against the
ore. Iron's jorum waters
seem to move, the hills

were here in ample floors.
Paths and airstrips stretch
to re-align winding roads
on island's compound mines,

making tracts a hive of
saline boroughs, where
the land of sand and stone
softly motions miner's cup.

Published in Westerly (Australia).

Territory's Edge

a quiet

to trees -

further on,

to redefine
the sea.

Published in Sydney Morning Herald (Australia).

Iridian arms

Expanses breaking
towards the ocean
in golden, mauve
to blue - fusing

with granules
rounder than the
eye could muster
in hours of

cascading hues.
Who, writing on
past nine,
would fare

well, without
recording aspects
of Mindil Beach
around dawn?

Published in Fremantle Arts Review (Australia), Pen International (England) and It's A Woman's World (PEN-Germany).

Darwin, N.T.

(For J.S.H.)

Frontiers held
by Casuarinas,
near tidal rims
and liquid jade.

Waters searing
silt to sorrow,
East-West oceans'
roars and waves.

Published in the Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre Newsletter (Australia).

Fish and Firewood

(For A.V.)

A firewood load carried home
lit to extend what has grown.

Fish, taken from their habitats,
stabbed, thrown, could keep

my heart hale to a degree. Fish
and firewood, free, to pulse's

swing - which is gong if I am
young, if I have access to

land and water, if I could for-
get the pain all fish feel.

About the Poet Joyce Parkes

Joyce Parkes has published poetry in the following; Canberra Times, ACT; Lip-Service, WA; Breakaway, WA; Artlook, WA; POETRY Australia, NSW; Fling!, Vic.; The Weekend Australian, NSW; Overland, Vic; Sepia, England; Walker on the Top Rail, WA; Westerly, WA; Patterns, WA; Fremantle Arts Review, WA; Wordhord, WA; Celebrations, WA; The Road of Poems and Borders, Finland; (M)other Tongues, Canada; The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW; The Phoenix Review, ACT; The Midland Reporter, WA; Social Images, ACT; Stet, SA; Pen International, England; Kalla Yeedip Arts, WA; The Western Review, WA; The Western Word, WA; The New England Review, NSW; PEN-Perth, WA; It's a Woman's World, PEN Germany; Thylazine's Poets for Peace Project, N.T.; Alison Croggon's Poets Against War; WA; m-a-g/, USA; The Journal, of the Australian Irish Heritage Association, WA.
   [Above] Photo of Joyce Parkes by Jody Driscoll, 2002.

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Thylazine No.8 (September, 2003)

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