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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #6/thyla6k-lc
The Poetry of Lee Cataldi
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Lee Cataldi by Janie Frazer, 2001.

I reservation blues I Aaron I the opening of the children's centre in Balgo
I history: black arm band I mangoes I tears I

reservation blues

one road leads to the airstrip
and one road leads to town
and I would take either of these
if I could put the money down

the children are wild like dogs
and the dogs as hungry as the kids
you don't have to be saint peter to see
the place is on the skids

it's fourteen kilometres from Malan
and forty kilometres from home
where the boys go on cutting the wire
and no-one is ever alone

my grannies lived in the bush
before the white man came
they talk about the spirits
but for me it's just not the same

(use any verse as chorus)


Aaron Baajo Japangardi age
fourteen of Balgo         doesn't want
his aunt's stories or her dreams
of an outstation at a spot
where two men changed the universe

                                                               he wants
to fuck and take drugs and get
his gorgeous arse to dance parties

                                                          and be picked up
by rich older men

the opening of the children's centre in Balgo

a smell of frying meat
drifts across the scene
and steam
from bloodwood leaves assists
departing souls to leave

a tiny child
hurls a rock across the yard
some skills die hard

it is as if the language
centre that was here
had never been    the kukatja books
into which we put
our black and white lives have become
art works no-one can read

these days Balgo is a picture

and for sale

history: black arm band

they are crying for a girl
lost in the darkness    drunk
on a lonely road
                                                          taken they say
there by a white man

and cut in two
by at least one vehicle

their musical lament
with infinite sadness
is for all the ngantany
lost since the first one
was taken by a white man

somewhere to a lonely place

and cut in two

balgo 13/6/2000


suddenly I saw us
eating mangoes    all
inhibitions gone      drunk again
and young

                         our faces
pressed against each other     our noses
deep in sweet yellow mango flesh

                         our eyes
blinded with pink mango light

surrounded by crushed and rotting fruit together
under the hot dark tree


your tears
are warm upon my face
would be
warmer on my thigh
your tears

history could stop them

my history

About the Poet Lee Cataldi

Lee Cataldi was born in Sydney. Her father was an Italian. Thus she was born an enemy alien, but by the time she entered the education system she was as Australian as anyone else. She went to school in Hobart in Tasmania, to university in Sydney, and has worked as a teacher in Sydney, and in Lajamanu, in the Northern Territory. Later she worked as a linguist, documenting indigenous Australian languages, in Alice Springs and in Halls Creek. Between 1964 and 1973 she lived in Italy and in England. Since May 1968 she has been an active socialist. Invitation to a Marxist Lesbian Party won the Anne Elder Memorial Prize, and The Women who Live on the Ground won the Human Rights' Commission Prize for Literature. Race Against Time won the NSW Premier's Literary Award for Poetry in 1999. In 1998 she was an Asialink Writer in Residence in India. She is currently working on a dictionary of the Ngardi language spoken by people living in the north-eastern part of Western Australia, in Balgo, Ringer Soak and Billiluna.
   [Above] Photo of Lee Cataldi by Janie Frazer, 2001.

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Thylazine No.6 (September, 2002)

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