O still and solid, O lovely land,
left for the sea's unsexy infidelities,
the stink of diesel and varnish,
the whipping sheet and jamming cleat,
the thrashing sail and braining boom,
air-shredding percussion of the stays,
the fixed and desperate gaze
at the bottom of the bucket
when all the horizons in the world
can't save you.
So what if there's a line with five flathead on it?
They bring their curses aboard with their deaths.
Strong drink, the only cushion you get
for an arse in the hard wash of the cockpit.
Heave ho, it's down below
to slosh in the narrow berth and watch
a sweating salami strung in the galley
swing like a clock hand stuck
below the decks of 3 and 9,
not giving a toss for livin' or dyin'.
Enough of your gone-fishin' poems,
your seafarin' bloke poems, your barnacled,
briny, hull-slappin' ocean-going poems.
The truth is a cancerous sun, a bullying wind,
drying salt and drowning depths,
the endless pierced and netted deaths.
Prison with no lock, no port to port,
to starboard no star, nothing for'ard
and nothing aft... Sailing? Mate
you'd have to be daft.