i laze on my peach pink leather
lounge as much as i can, watching
the river do its thing through my
gorgeous windows with their wrap -
around gilt on the thirtieth floor of the
luxor apartments, a pamper present
from my latest divorce: from brian,
banana, prawn and peanut king;
most mornings i'm up at the crack
of dawn to slap on the make-up
before i windowlex the view (in case
the birds have been doing their business,
or something has left a smudge on
the glass) - it's really quite poetic
to watch the river winding its way
through the city, like a dancer in
a slow motion waltz, from here
it looks to have sultry hips though
i wouldn't want to get too close
to its waters some days it
can be a little too pongy and
sometimes it turns a little
too brown, like unwashed
potatoes but i try to be tolerant
after all it is nature and the blue
of these sky villas' three swimming
pools more than makes up for nature's
sad side and i do feel so safe here
with my frangipanni and tiger print
walls - i can wave to dee dee
my new friend from canasta she
lives in that tower over fantail bridge
way and boy does she have some
husband stories to spill; sometimes
when i feel really reflective
after midnight and a cointreau
or two i go out on the balcony and
look down at the river and wonder
what on earth it makes of us all,
well it's been here since adam so it
must have a thought or two, between
those big banks or inside those
mangroves though i doubt
it would have such weird dreams
as me, like last night when i got
back from the perfume show buffet
i fell asleep on my dressing room's
suedette chaise lounge and dreamed
my three ensuites had their own
little ensuites just imagine
the grouting that would need
to be cleaned -