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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #4/thyla4k-jb
The Poetry of Joanne Burns
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Joanne Burns by Loma Bridge, 2002.

I hot air I ampersand I spill I elbow room I ghost I

hot air

it's all laid bare

of butcher's paper

white in the cathedral that's

mislaid its roof, rolled

out for the communion

of the blind fold backdated

with stealthy surprise; the secret

behind the secret blowing

itself away like

a skeleton key

Published in Sydney Mosaic (Australia).


so you puff down the boulevarde

huffy and patriotic as the global

village idiot waving its torch

towards zeus your personal best,

o his koala eyes; you can piss

in your lycra if you really have

to, this being the chumpy age

of the celebrity sweatshirt

but remember

there's no way you'll be

issued a permit for

that chandelier hair of

yours to chill out in

this athlete free zone,

no tent on this phantom

beach is to be tampered

with we are already

somnambulists waiting for

the ufo charter to come

lurching through the waves

Published in Verse (Australia).


i laze on my peach pink leather

lounge as much as i can, watching

the river do its thing through my

gorgeous windows with their wrap -

around gilt on the thirtieth floor of the

luxor apartments, a pamper present

from my latest divorce: from brian,

banana, prawn and peanut king;

most mornings i'm up at the crack

of dawn to slap on the make-up

before i windowlex the view (in case

the birds have been doing their business,

or something has left a smudge on

the glass) - it's really quite poetic

to watch the river winding its way

through the city, like a dancer in

a slow motion waltz, from here

it looks to have sultry hips though

i wouldn't want to get too close

to its waters some days it

can be a little too pongy and

sometimes it turns a little

too brown, like unwashed

potatoes but i try to be tolerant

after all it is nature and the blue

of these sky villas' three swimming

pools more than makes up for nature's

sad side and i do feel so safe here

with my frangipanni and tiger print

walls - i can wave to dee dee

my new friend from canasta she

lives in that tower over fantail bridge

way and boy does she have some

husband stories to spill; sometimes

when i feel really reflective

after midnight and a cointreau

or two i go out on the balcony and

look down at the river and wonder

what on earth it makes of us all,

well it's been here since adam so it

must have a thought or two, between

those big banks or inside those

mangroves though i doubt

it would have such weird dreams

as me, like last night when i got

back from the perfume show buffet

i fell asleep on my dressing room's

suedette chaise lounge and dreamed

my three ensuites had their own

little ensuites just imagine

the grouting that would need

to be cleaned -

Published in Blue Like Tea anthology (Five Islands Press, year unknown).

elbow room

they took to the river

like wanton boys to

flies tearing at the

vivid calm in their

sumo speedboats,

reputation I-III; the

big experience was

their only experience,

they were tickled pink

with their oracular

elbows whoosh whoosh

varoom varoom how

their craft chomped

through the river's history

like contestants in a

guinness book of records

tin can eating quest

the next year when

the drought set in

with meteorological

confidence they returned

in a quorum of rowing

boats gruff and jovial

as usual and carried them

over the rocks where the

streams had done

their disappearing

act, video cameras

perched on available

parts of their noses,

reputations dry and



this archive of loneliness

who would have guessed

the dust had arranged this

biography of misery

all those nuances

of ad hoc livery; hard

to put a finger on the way

it all imposes, just

sniff along the remains

of the lino with its spartan

script and the frail

threads of those primeval

scatter rugs, you'll get


Published in Island (Australia).

About the Poet Joanne Burns

Joanne Burns is a Sydney poet. She also writes short fiction, including monologues and future fictions. She is completing a new poetry collection all of me. A sample of her work, 'people like that', from a number of her books, was published by Picaro Press in the Wagtail series (No:1) in 2001. The title poem (a poem in 17 parts) from the out of print collection penelope's knees is to be published by Picaro Press later in 2002. Her work has been widely published in magazines, journals and anthologies around the world. Her writing has been produced for theatre and radio. The title piece from 'blowing bubbles in the 7th lane' has been produced as a radio drama by ABC Radio National, and a number of her monologues have also been produced by ABC Radio, most recently two monologues of obsession 'bare feet' and ergo sum', under the production title of 'missionary positions'.
   [Above] Photo of Joanne Burns by Loma Bridge, 2002.

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Thylazine No.4 (September, 2001)

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