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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #4/thyla4k-bb
The Poetry of Bev Braune
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Bev Braune by Thoron Braune, 1996.

I O F W O L F F E M B O R N: N o v a i n i a n d T h e W i n d - w o l f I
T h e R u l e o f T h e G r a i n I T h e H e a r t o f T h e B o o k I Andromeda I

O F W O L F F E M B O R N: N o v a i n i a n d T h e W i n d - w o l f

T h e R u l e o f T h e G r a i n

T h e H e a r t o f T h e B o o k


Feet stuck firm to the ground
Impossible to move and thinking of what could possibly be.
Sitting on the ground.
Waiting for a sign that will show me the way.

'Blip', It sounds like a gunshot on silencer
Staring into the never ending abyss. I'm thinking,
'That star could be dead'.
But the one I stare at is not dead, for she waves.

I wave back to myself, one of many different features.
One that flies among those champions of Myths and Legends.
'Hello Andromeda,' I say in half whisper
So that none but the mosquitoes, fireflies may hear.

'Hello Andromeda,' I hear, echoing back to me
I look up again into the abyss
Which is pressing in on my nothing but destructive planet
Andromeda of constellations calling her anxious mother over

Cassiopiea does not approve of our chatting
She removes me from view. All alone again
Wondering what I'm doing on a planet that I do not fit into

Wondering if there is any other sign of life out there
Hoping that they'll visit me
But then I remember that if there were,
I wouldn't be standing here alone wondering if there was.

© Nova Braune-Longhurst

About the Poet Bev Braune

Dr Bev Braune's poetry and essays have appeared in anthologies and literary magazines in Australia and overseas. Her books include Dream Diary (Savacou, 1982), Camouflage (Bloodaxe/ Dufour Editions, 1998) and the first volume, comprising 7 Books, of the illustrated Epic Poem Skulváđi Úlfr and its Companion Reader (1999). Her special areas of interest are Poetics, the poetry of the ancient Americas and Old Norse/Old Icelandic poetry. Bev Braune holds a Bachelor (Literature, Languages & Philosophy) and Master of Philosophy (on Eugene O'Neill) from the University of the West Indies at Mona, and a Doctorate in Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia, for her creative and scholarly work on Skulváđi Úlfr: Historical Lacunae and Poetic Space. Dr Braune lives in Sydney where she is currently working on the second volume of Skulváđi Úlfr.
   [Above] Photo of Bev Braune by Thoron Braune, 1996.

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Thylazine No.4 (September, 2001)

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