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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #3/thyla3k-cb
The Poetry of Colleen Burke
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Colleen Burke by Russ Hermann, 1997.

I If only you were here I A full house I illusion of safety I Breaking point I

If only you were here

In a deserted

Snowy mountains village

on the edge of a Give Way sign

a tiny red breasted robin

ignites the gloom.

It's a pity that there's no-one


            but me

to give way

to this minute bird

poised in all the glory

                            of its plumage.

Published in NSW School Magazine (Australia).

A full house

Bogong moths heading south

to the granite tors of the Snowy Mountains

are sometimes deflected by storms and bad weather.

In NSW millions of them have been found

strewn along coastal beaches.

In the late 1860s in a Sydney church

the Reverend Mobbs had to cancel services

because the moths took over.

The sudden invasion left no room

for the congregation.

He counted 80,000 moths

on the windows alone

relaxing in a summer torpor

It was only a small church

but still he was assiduous in his moth count.

Obviously he'd never experienced

such a large attendance before -

densely packed with Bogongs

it was a full house.

Published in Pirouetting on a precipice: Poems of the Blue and White Mountains (Seaview Press, 2001)

illusion of safety

on a street

high in the mountains

talking to friends

fronds of mist

drifting off

the valley

lick at

suburban skin

Published in Pirouetting on a precipice: Poems of the Blue and White Mountains (Seaview Press, 2001).

Breaking point

A dead gumtree


beneath the

soft weight of twilight.

A branch



the sway

of a black cockatoo.

Published in NSW School Magazine (Australia)

About the Poet Colleen Burke

Colleen Burke, award-winning poet and author, has had numerous books published including eight poetry books, a biography and oral histories. Her Awards include: the edge of it - shortlisted in the NSW State Literary Awards - 1993, three grants from The Australia Council, two Varuna Writing Fellowships - Eleanor Dark Foundation, Katoomba, NSW (1998 and 2002) and a NSW Writers' Fellowship in 2000. (NSW Ministry for the Arts). She is co-editor with Vincent Woods of The Turning Wave - Poems and Songs of Irish Australia, 2001. Her work is represented in anthologies, including Wee Girls - women writing from an Irish perspective.
   [Above] Photo of Colleen Burke by Russ Hermann, 1997.

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Thylazine No.3 (March, 2001)

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