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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                         #3/thyla3k
Brett Dionysius, Chris Mansell, Ouyang Yu, Pam Brown, Subhash Jaireth, Jill Jones,
Kim Downs, Jayne Fenton Keane, Trevor Poulton, Colleen Burke

Selected by Coral Hull

Brett Dionysius

B.R. Dionysius was born in Dalby, Western Queensland in 1969. He was the Chairperson of Fringe Arts Collective Inc. from 1994 - 2001 and directed the Subverse: Queensland Poetry Festival, the major, annual literary event for poets and poetry in Queensland from 1997 -2001. In 1995, he collaborated with printmaker Danny Yates to produce a limited edition artist's book, The Barflies Chorus, published by LyreBird Press in Townsville. In 1997 he collaborated with Sam Wagan Watson and Liz Hall-Downs on the Blackfellas, Whitefellas and Wetlands, 'Brisbane Stories' website project to produce a virtual poetry gallery exploring the Indigenous, European and natural heritage of the Boondall Wetlands. ...
   [Above] Photo of Brett Dionysius by Stephen Booth, 2001.

Chris Mansell

Chris Mansell was born in Sydney, Australia. She has a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney. In 1978 she founded the literary magazine Compass poetry & prose which she edited until 1987. From 1987 until early 1989 she was a part-time lecturer in creative writing at the University of Wollongong. In 1988 she attended the National Institute of Dramatic Arts' (NIDA) Playwright's Studio. In 1989 she was a full-time lecturer in creative writing at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur. In 1993 she took up a Writing Fellowship from the Literature Board of the Australia Council. The following year she was awarded an Australia Council Community ...
   [Above] Photo of Chris Mansell by photographer unknown, 2000.

Ouyang Yu

Originally from P.R. China, Ouyang Yu holds a doctorate in Australian literature from La Trobe University, Melbourne. Moon over Melbourne and Other Poems and Songs of the Last Chinese Poet were shortlisted for the 1999 NSW Premier's Literary Awards. In 1998, his monograph, "Representations of Australia and the Australian in the Chinese and Hong Kongese Media from 1985 to 1995" was published by Centre for the Studies of Australian-Asian Relationship, University of Queensland. He is now editing Otherland, the first and the only Chinese-English bilingual literary journal in Australia. In 1999, he was awarded a grant by AsiaLink to be writer-in-residence at Beijing ...
   [Above] Photo of Ouyang Yu by Wei Xinhong, 1988.

Pam Brown

Pam Brown was born in Seymour, Victoria. She has lived in various locations in eastern Australia and currently lives in Sydney, New South Wales. Pam has written thirteen books of poetry and prose and some chapbooks. She has also written reviews and articles for literary & art journals. She has worked at Sydney College of the Arts, the Tin Sheds Art Workshop at Sydney University and the Experimental Art Foundation in Adelaide, South Australia. She has taught film, video & studio research at the College of Fine Art, Sydney. Her forthcoming book of poetry with Little Esther Books in 2001, is called Text thing. Since 1997 she has been the poetry editor for the literary quarterly, Overland ...
   [Above] Photo of Pam Brown by John Tranter, 1999.

Subhash Jaireth

Subhash Jaireth was born in a small town in Punjab, Northern India. Between 1969 and 1978 he spent nine years in Moscow studying geology. He has published poems in Hindi, Russian and English. A collection of his Hindi poems Before the Bullet Hit Me came out in 1994 with Vani Prakashan. A verse-narrative Unfinished Poems for Your Violin was published by Penguin Australia in 1996. His poems have appeared in Imago, LinQ, Northern Perspective, Scarp, Muse, Outrider and Canberra Times. His articles and essays and have been published in the Australian Book Review, Heat, Australian Review of ...
   [Above] Photo of Subhash Jaireth by Hanna Jaireth, 1992.

Jill Jones

Jill Jones is a poet and writer who lives in Sydney. Her work has been published in most of the leading literary periodicals in Australia as well as overseas. In 1993 she won the Mary Gilmore Award for The Mask and the Jagged Star. The Book of Possibilities was shortlisted for the National Book Council 'Banjo' Awards. She served as a judge for the 1995 NSW Premier's Literary Awards and was a member of the Sydney Writers' Festival committee. She was one of a number of poets featured at the first National Poetry Festival and at the first Australian Poetry Festival in Sydney in 1999. Jill Jones has worked in legal publishing, journalism, public policy and arts admin. She has also ...
   [Above] Photo of Jill Jones by Annette Willis, 2000.

Kim Downs

Kim Downs is a writer, musician, technician, and sculptor. Originally from the USA, he emigrated to Australia in 1980. Kim has pursued a writing career over the past twenty years which eventually led him onto Performance Poetry stages in the early '90's. His poetry features in many small press magazines both in the USA and Australia. He has been the featured reader at over 100 festivals and readings including "Writers at the Rails", "Stand-Up Poets", Maleny-Woodford Folk Festival, Montsalvat National Poetry Festival, The Brisbane Poetry Festival, the Brisbane Writer's Festival and the Austin International Poetry Festival.Kim's short stories have appeared in such Australian ...
   [Above] Photo of Kim Downs by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Jayne Fenton Keane

Jayne Fenton Keane is an experimental poet who extends her poetic practice beyond the page. This includes producing CDs, websites and performances in addition to writing manuscripts. JFK has conducted poetry workshops at secondary, tertiary and community levels and has featured at a number of festivals. Jayne Fenton Keane has been a recipient of a Varuna Writers' Centre Fellowship and radio playwriting mentorship and she was offered a fellowship. In addition to writing manuscripts, experimenting with soundscapes and developing her website, JFK has maintained an interest in embodiment of texts on the stage. She has featured at the Australian Poetry Festival, Queensland Poetry ...
   [Above] Photo of Jayne Fenton Keane by photographer unknown, 2001.

Trevor Poulton

Trevor Poulton is employed with a legal firm. He was born in Melbourne. He spent the latter part of the 80’s sequestered in a country town in Central Victoria and returned to Melbourne in the 90’s where he discovered poets, performance poetry and the experience of writing poetry. He says he felt compelled to write poems as kinds of incantations that reinforce the existence for him of others, by acknowledging and reflecting on people's self-images and personal myths. He calls the approach ‘referential writing’. He produced around 100 poems in a 3 year span and then ceased writing. A number of his poems have been published in magazines such as Verandah and Redoubt. He now considers himself a ...
   [Above] Photo of Trevor Poulton by Coral Hull, 1996.

Colleen Burke

Colleen Burke, award-winning poet and author, has had numerous books published including eight poetry books, a biography and oral histories. Her Awards include: the edge of it - shortlisted in the NSW State Literary Awards - 1993, three grants from The Australia Council, two Varuna Writing Fellowships - Eleanor Dark Foundation, Katoomba, NSW (1998 and 2002) and a NSW Writers' Fellowship in 2000. (NSW Ministry for the Arts). She is co-editor with Vincent Woods of The Turning Wave - Poems and Songs of Irish Australia, 2001. Her work is represented ...
   [Above] Photo of Colleen Burke by Russ Hermann, 1997

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Thylazine No.3 (March, 2001)

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