after Judith Wright
I am learning: the devil is no bird
The owl-front-eyed, feigning wise - is too human a bird.
It swivels its head to omnipotent angles. Devil's spy-bird.
Blue flash set in a bird's head
The bowerbird-jewel-topped dandy - finds decadence in drought,
hoarding baubles of smoky quartz, sap-drops, as he vies for she-bird.
You burning Bird or God
The kestrel-deadly cupid, arrow-eyed - deciphers the grand
schema of mouse-dash and dives with no sound of light or bird.
Rise and fall-we read each bird
The tern-wings ink-tipped - is poised mid-thought before
a thermal, formal arc: wind's calligraphy in the flight of bird.
Whatever the bird is, is perfect in the bird
The lyrebird-child of Echo and Narcissus - is a dying poet-bird,
crafting song from counterfeit notes, unsought replies, stories of Bird.