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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #1/thyla1k-sj
The Poetry of Sandy Jeffs
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Sandy Jeffs by Robyn Adams, 1999.

I Feline Love I Facade I You Took Her I Silence of the Lambs I Standing Stone I

Feline Love

For Trish

When a feline beauty
curls its furred body
upon my lap
smooching its elegance
lounging languidly in the midst
of my curious enduring love
I think of you, Mum.
In every fickle feline sovereign
that has graced my home
there has been a piece of you
an undying reservoir of love
that has overflowed with a raucous joy.

I have devoured your joy of cats.
This tiny morsel of you
affords a deep connection
to your lost soul.
I sit in the calm and stroke
the smooth fur of a purring majesty.
I draw your beckoning soul's
outstretched hand to mine.
I grasp this transcendence;
it is all I have left of
the wasteland that was you.


We played happy family
presented ourselves as normal
sanitised our image
deluded ourselves with lies.
Something was rotting in our family.

Playing happy family
was a full time job.
Going to school
with the screams and punches
playing themselves over in my mind
while pretending to be happy
was a killer.
Something was rotting in our family.

Mum stayed indoors for days
powdered her bruised face
nursed her battered body
sent me on messages
made up excuses.
He brought her cups of coffee
pretended nothing had happened.
Something was rotting in our family.

Yet still I pretended to be happy.
In the end my heart watched
in dazed disbelief
while my family rotted
knowing no one could smell the stench.

You Took Her

You took her
crushing her paper wings.

You took her
smothering her sobs.

You took her
after beating her.

You took her
after abusing her.

You took her
in twisted lust.

You took her
in blind rage.

You took her
without consent.

You took her!
You took her!

Daddy, when you took Mummy
you took me.

The Silence of the Lambs

Shorn of our wool
laid bare for the vultures' talons
not even the tar on our wounds
could stem the flow
and we bled and bled
in silence.

Silence is golden

In loyalty we uttered nothing
choked on what we witnessed
children struck dumb
unable to tell the terror
and we bled and bled
in silence.

Silence is golden

We cursed the house of horrors
we lived in endless fear
our lives were shackled
to a nightmare we dare not name
and we bled and bled
in silence.

Silence is golden

Lambs waiting for the slaughter
we bled and bled
in silence.

Silence is golden

Silence is


Standing Stone

I stand before your coffin
stony and cold
while the mingling few
mourn your moment.

Absent from this place of mourning
I weather your death
like tall stones in the mist
refuse to crumble.

Standing stones do not weep
even though they carry great burdens.
I will stand a thousand years and more
and still be unmoved
standing solitary and tall in my strength.

About the Poet Sandy Jeffs

Sandy Jeffs grew up in Ballarat. She graduated from La Trobe University with an Arts Degree in 1975. When she was 23 she had her first psychotic episode and has lived with schizophrenia. Her first book, Poems from the Madhouse, published by Spinifex Press in 1993, was awarded 2nd place in the 1993 FAW Anne Elder Poetry Award, as well as a Certificate of Commendation in the 1994 Human Rights Awards. Sandy is a co-author of Loose Kangaroos, Domain Press 1998, which also won a Certificate of Commendation in the 1998 Human Rights Awards. Loose Kangaroos is also the name of a group of sanity-challenged poets with whom she performs her poetry. Sandy is involved in the humorous documentation of the travails of ladies' midweek tennis, the subject of a forthcoming book called Confessions of a Midweek Lady. Spinifex Press are soon to publish a new book of poems Blood Relations. Sandy lives with her friends and animals on the outskirts of Melbourne.
   [Above] Photo of Sandy Jeffs by Robyn Adams, 1999.

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Thylazine No.1 (March, 2000)

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