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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #1/thyla1k-mf
The Poetry of Michael Farrell
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Michael Farrell by Detlev Jackson, 1997.

I the cow behind the throne I horses I enter sandman I hare encounter I

the cow behind the throne

not something you need to look for
the portrait of the sovereign mars
the photos its the law the only
art permitted as the subjects the
only subject therefore its not but the
variation ive written on this before
in cowardly speculative tones now
i affirm while petty orders triple
bylaws maintain the sovereign in a
cloud of australian big lies the force
behind the conquering of newer & greener
pastures is her serene bovinity she
looks over the gate past the overalled
egofigure whose doings must be human
or that mysterious epithet humane
i flick through the albums vainly
for a name shes not so readily
contained heavens to betsy she
may be saying dave theres more
to farming than introducing strains
with latin labels to refer to in your
rural times monographs devote a
paragraph to the evils of i make
no bones institutionalised milking
throatcutting & i draw a parallel
with the unfortunate victimisation
of lepers here bells the norm of
enforced chastity alternating with
festivals of rape things are changing
ive no stomachs for such conditions
her requirements indeed are blowing
out the frame her massive sympathies
have me walking the street each day
like unfinished melson my skirts about me
heedless to passing sexual advances
intoning hey hey hey hey


heart was big to battle with the dragon
& fast through the drifts & yellow yellow
a field of burdock opens what could
these farms do out of the dark a monster
appears in this way any direction taken
he was so jaunty light in his eyes oh
you the sprightliest & between our slightest
steps your hair over your forehead from
ranches of isolation i follow the sheep
path his strutting studied fire on
starlight like an admiral at the helm
struts a pedantic without a heart the
animal times wings & armour his
fiery reel the right uplifted foreleg
fat haunches & blood or calls their
spotted maleness strolls out into the
street now feel the curious force
to fight for their country sends her
driver home dragging the sledge
dreaming of space & speed without a
human will my heart under your foot
below me on the asphalt among
horses & angels always on the move

enter sandman

noone else sleeps under it i tell you
he clutched his clutchers & my spirit
found its excuse i saved you i hope or
believe in spirit from getting your throat
cut in the mobile hospital it left my
body it couldnt wait at the poetry
launch lady h & i exchanged views
on the beautiful production oh my
what a blessed relief after the earlier
mayhem exit like life enter mikes night
was it the massacre pure as birds
that fly only after all to some a giant
greenhouse is a refuge theyre brain
damaged & infect me then i stupidly
fall asleep with a mosquito & my
torch flashes a warning to the gate
crashing maniacs wielding knives sharper
than a birds beak a bird that peck
peck pecks in its tree saving nobody singing
nobody a song the poet goes under
the name blood & gets his books published
on the strength of it is finally being
recognised in all countries theres a high rate
of homicide theres no connection & no
images worth rendering it was like
lightning or electrocuting the air the
hairs on your head were harmed sparrows
fell protesting their stories were never
treated seriously theyre lucky in the park
asleep the worsts over swept away & ill
never see those ghostly killers again

hare encounter

the hare exhausted by its patronage of
a single white man who lacked the joy of
for example the unromantic speculators
in the bushes even now leaning its
elbow on the keyboard drinks wine
as if dinnerd been better than the best
grass in fact thered been an attack
on a cat an unlapped saucer of milk
i walked in cradling a dead fox for
effect there are no foxes living on these
islands the suns antifox & hares are
scarce & i perforce have metamorphised
more than once for a ball at short
notice we conversed using the names wed
assumed for this purpose we waltzed in a
manner of speaking around a certain subject
possible divorce certifiable insanity custody
of precocious icecream hounds im a pig
when roused wont go home if homes the
word for it the hare raises what must
pass for a smile a ghost of feeling in the
ashes of its emotions ennui theres nothing
for it but to make a scene throw the
monitor onto the patio or cry im known
as the town crier at dawn i see a fox
on the lawn a red omen of some sort a
wheeled toy designed to break the neck
of dark walkers i miss the moon yet
again attack the cat again the milks
unlapped the hare dreams of youth savoir
faire my suits too black my heads too fat
such scenarios seem to write themselves

Published in Meanjin (Australia)

About the Poet Michael Farrell

Michael Farrell was born in Bombala, N.S.W. and has lived in Melbourne since 1990. He won the Harri Jones Memorial Prize for 1999, and is an editorial assistant at Meanjin. His poems are forthcoming in Meanjin, Southerly, Overland, Southern Review, Cordite, Verse, and Calyx: 30 Contemporary Australian Poets; he is currently drafting a novel. Michael has two poems and a memoir of Marianne Moore forthcoming in Verse, and has read on 5UV in Adelaide. He has written and directed a play which was performed at the Melbourne Fringe Festival. His major formative literary influences include Joyce, Brecht, Stein and cummings, the surrealists; later O'Hara, Ashbery, Perec and the Language poets. Otherwise he has been greatly influenced by New Musical Express, Yoko Ono, John Cage, Warhol and people like Rauschenberg. Not forgetting movies and Madonna. Michael spent much of his childhood on a farm, the reality coloured by a rural mythology provided by his grandparents and that is the rock upon which the (catholic) church of his poetry is based.
   [Above] Photo of Michael Farrell by Detlev Jackson, 1997.

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Thylazine No.1 (March, 2000)

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