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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #1/thyla1k-lb
The Poetry of Lisa Bellear
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Lisa Bellear by Jenni Mitchell, 1999.

I no.162 I Vision Seekers I Victorian Aboriginals - Aborigines I On the hops I

no. 162

Who are you no. 162 and what right do
I have to offer this gaze.

There is always a story no. 162. How honest
can I be with you, without bringing
tears to the page.

You no. 162 stand dark, tall, deep set
jet black eyes. How I admire your
strength, your tenacity to

Who are your warrior ancestors, no. 162.
Who are your people.
Your country.

We all have mothers,
at some point
a particular place
your mother
gave birth?
And now
there you
stand in a
studio. Alone.

Your gaze defies
the colonisers' as you
are forced to adorn their
clothes of savagery.

I honour your spirit
I honour your ancestors.
You no. 162
have a name and history.

You and I and All
indigenous survivors
are part of that continuum, that

No. 162 your
spirit will be
honoured and

Vision Seekers

Whose God are we talking to,
praying with I tell you I under
stand this. Sing our hymns in our
civilized language and you may

I sing my brother does too.
Was there ever a choice. Let me
live through the whispering spirits
of the river gums.

My God. Always these white seekers
of Blackfella spirituality. Asking, pleading,
demanding, answers. What are your sec
rets and spiritual beliefs?

How to answer my god
my spirituality into a tape
recorder and video camera.

Two hundred and ten
years and counting
of undeclared war.
That is how I will
answer, although the
seekers may not like
that vision the truth is
the truth.

Victorian Aboriginals - Aborigines

Spirits artificially captured in a photographer's
studio. Beautiful and handsome Koori women,
men and booris are half named and racially

a)  Mathilda
     Loddon tribe

b)  Louise & Mathilda
     Murray tribe
     halfcaste, Black.

These 'noble savages' stand statuesque,
wearing animal skins or government issued
blankets, with spears, boomerangs and
woven baskets.

No one wears shoes.
No one looks comfortable.
No one smiles.

Destined to disappear,
filed deeply within
untouched drawers of a
state government library -
museum, our spirits, memories
are awakening.

On The Hops

For sure it was hard work, hot work,
dusty and smelly.

The best times were the night times,
the laughter and the stories. If you
drifted, the stars and river spirits

Look at the way we
dressed, kangaroo skins
long gone, how I love
disappearing into the
milky way.

When you find my
story and those of my
friends, our long journey
back home will have started
in earnest.

COPYRIGHT REGISTERED. The whitefella give us that
caption and he promised us copies.

It was hard work, smelly and dirty. We didn't
mind. In the dust and the heat our stories
were kept alive.

Name us.

About the Poet Lisa Bellear

Lisa Marie Bellear was born in Melbourne. Actively involved in Indigenous affairs throughout the country Lisa is passionate about social justice and simply looking after each other. She has been a volunteer broadcaster on 3CR community radio for 11 years on the Not Another Koori Show. Lisa's poetry has been published in many journals and anthologies. She was been nominated for the 1995 Human Rights Award for Poetry for her poem "Native Title Now". The poem is the title of an exhibition of Aboriginal art currently touring Australia. Lisa Bellear has read at literary festivals, pubs and conferences in Australia and in the USA. For the two years she has sat on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature Panel of the Australia Council as well as sitting on the selection committee of the RAKA (Ruth Adney Koori) Award. Lisa completed her Master of Arts degree at the University of Queensland and is doing her PhD (English) at La Trobe University - contemporary indigenous issues through radio and photographic text. Lisa's first book of poetry is Dreaming In Urban Areas (UQP, 1996).
   [Above] Photo of Lisa Bellear by Jenni Mitchell, 1999.

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Thylazine No.1 (March, 2000)

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