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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #1/thyla1k-kh
The Poetry of Kevin Hart
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Kevin Hart by Jenni Mitchell, 1991.



O come, in any way you want,
In morning sunlight fooling in the leaves
Or in thick bouts of rain that soak my head

             Because of what the darkness said

Or come, though far too slowly for my eye to see,
Like a dark hair that fades to gray

Come with the wind that wraps my house

Or winter light that slants upon a page

             Because the beast is stirring in its cage

Or come in raw and ragged smells
Of gumleaves dangling down at noon
Or in the undertow of love
When she's away

             Because a night creeps through the day

Come as you used to, years ago,
When I first fell for you

In the deep calm of an autumn morning
Beginning with the cooing of a dove

             Because of love, the lightest love

Or if that's not your way these days
Because of me, because
Of something dead in me,
Come like a jagged knife into my gut

             Because your touch will surely cut

Come any way you want

But come

from     AMO TE SOLO

Sometimes a life goes wrong
Without an evil deed:
So here I am in Berne
Awake in the white hours
Waiting for time to pass
Until I can call home

            For when I am away
            Each hour leaves its bruise

Late home, my cab drives down
Small streets whose names I love;
The evening is ripe
With sparrows and a breeze;
An outside light shines round
And tightly holds the house

            There is no life on earth
            I would not spend with you

Love is a standing to attention. Yes,
No man can argue long against a truth
That smashes hard into his deepest life

It's Spring: the maple tree speaks of her lips,
The curve around her bottom that I love.
But no one sane will ever quote a tree

So I must tell her how this little world
Is bigger now only because of her,
And how this massive universe makes sense

Only because of her (it does, it does),
And how this ordinary room is love
And truth because she walks through it all day

It is a dark green ivy afternoon
In Princes Hill as rain falls through vast trees
Into the little garden where we live
            On summer days.

It's late December and the clocks have stopped
While people watch their windows come alive
And old tin roofs out back get hopping mad
            And gutters booze.

Last week we burned our flesh, but now we baste
While smoky jazz just cruises down the lane
And makes out with our cat beneath a car
            While we're in bed,

The sheets all trampled underneath our feet,
Those lyrics touching us as night comes on:
Something about a day spent drinking wine
            And getting laid.

So we run out of world, not time:
Life hangs around like last night's gin,

And even if we peel away
The morning light from dappled things

There is no chance that we will see
This fountain pen left on a chair

For what it is. The world is love
No matter what we make of it,

No matter how we cut it up:
The pen must know a hand on it.

The great truths live just out of sight,
Past what I know of you, or you

Of me: so let's be calm and kind
Until the great truths come to us

In that gold light we've heard about
And pens fly quickly to our hands.


Father, I praise you
For the wideness of this your earth, and for the sky
Arched forever over me,
For the sharp rain and the scraping wind
That have carved me from the mountain
And made me smooth as a child's face.

Accept my praise
For my colour, a starless night,
That my width is that between the first two stars of evening
Reflected in the water,
That my quartz flashes like lightning
And reflects the glory of your creation,

That you have seen fit
To place me near a stream and thus to contemplate
The passing of time;

For all that is around me I sing your praise,
For the fierce concentration of ants, their laws,
For all that they tell me about you.

Keep me, I pray, whole,
Unlike the terrible dust and pieces of bone
Cast about in the wind's great breath, unlike men
Who must suffer change,
Their endless footprints deep as graves;

Keep me in truth, in solitude,
Until the day when you will burst into my heavy soul
And I will shout your name.

Published in New and Selected Poems (HarperCollins, 1995).

About the Poet Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart was born in London in 1954 and was brought to Australia as a child in 1966. He grew up in Brisbane, and studied at the Australian National University, Stanford University, and the University of Melbourne. He is currently Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Monash University in Melbourne in Victoria. Volumes of his poetry have won Australia's most prestigious awards, including the Christopher Brennan Award, the Grace Leven Award, the Harri Jones Prize, the NSW Premier's Award, the Mattara Award, the Victorian Premier's Award, and the Wesley Michel Wright Award. Kevin Hart is the author of three volumes of criticism: The Trespass of the Sign (Cambridge University Press, 1989; expanded edition, Fordham University Press, 2000), A. D. Hope (Oxford University Press, 1992) and Samuel Johnson and the Culture of Property (Cambridge University Press, 1999). He is the editor of The Oxford Book of Australian Religious Verse (1994) and the translator of Guiseppe Ungaretti's selected poems, The Buried Harbour (Leros Press, 1990). He is now writing two further books of criticism: The Dark Gaze: Maurice Blanchot and Friends, and The Experience of God.
   [Above] Photo of Kevin Hart by Jenni Mitchell, 1991.

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Thylazine No.1 (March, 2000)

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