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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                      #12/thyla12l
Andy Jackson, Jane Williams, Tim Heffernan, Jen Jewel Brown, Terry Jaensch, Geoff Fox, Judith Aquilina, Timoshenko Aslanides, Kaye Aldenhoven, Peter Davis,
Michelle Cahill and Matt Hetherington

Selected by Coral Hull

Andy Jackson

Andy Jackson was born in Bendigo, Victoria, in 1971, and currently lives in Coburg, Melbourne. Having grown up physically unusual, he has written poetry, fiction and criticism which reflects on the body, memory, sexuality, power, identity and spirituality. He became a visible presence in the Melbourne live poetry scene in the mid 1990s, and since then has been a featured reader at dozens of events and a number of festivals, including La Mama Poetica, The Age Melbourne Writers' Festival and Overload Poetry Festival. He has self-published three books of poetry and short prose - Carpet Insomnia (1997, with Mandi Ashcroft), Hymns of Doubt (2000), and Aperture (2003). His writing ...
   [Above] Photo of Andy Jackson by Sean M. Whelan, 2004.

Jane Williams

Jane Williams was born in 1964 in England. Jane's poems have been widely published since the early 1990's in Australian literary journals and newspapers. She was an editor of the Australian poetry journal ars poetica in the mid 1990's. Jane has conducted creative writing workshops in secondary schools, for people with psychiatric disabilities and for the general public. She has held Writers' Residencies at the Varuna Writers' Centre, the Booranga Writers' Centre and within the Victorian Education System. She has been a guest poet at the Melbourne Poetry Festival and the Tasmanian Poetry Festival. Jane has received financial support for editing and writing through Arts ...
   [Above] Photo of Jane Williams by Elizabeth Williams, year unknown.

Tim Heffernan

Tim Heffernan lives in Wollongong on a hill between the escarpment and the sea with Karen and their daughters Lucy and Elizabeth. He was born in Hay (New South Wales) in 1959, into a teaching family. He grew up in the country villages and towns of Swan Creek, Dalton, Uranquinty and Wagga and spent twenty years teaching English in high schools in the Riverina and South Coast. During this time he published educational research for the National Schools Network (Innovating and Changing Together, 1998) & (Reflection in Action, 1996) and was a workplace activist for the NSW Teacher's Federation and contributor to their journal, Education. Tim began writing poetry in ...
   [Above] Photo of Tim Heffernan by Elizabeth Patricia Heffernan, 2005.

Jen Jewel Brown

Previously known as Jenny Brown (while on staff at Planet, The Digger, Rolling Stone and Nation Review), Jenny Hunter Brown (on staff at Sunday Telegraph and RAM - Rock Australia Magazine and Zesta (Nation Review). Brown's first poetry reading was at La Mama in 1971. She's currently on staff with Mediaweek and freelancing. Her performance poem Unwilling (2003), televised on Channel 7 and 10 news, was a response to John Howard's announcement that Australia would join the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq. She co-edited Shelton Lea's final book Nebuchadnezzar (Black Pepper Publishing) with Gig Ryan. Brown currently lives ...
   [Above] Photo of Jen Jewel Brown by photographer unknown, 2007.

Terry Jaensch

Terry Jaensch is a an Australian poet/actor and monologist based in Melbourne. His first book of poetry, Buoy (Five Islands Press 2001) was highly commended in the Anne Elder Award by the Fellowship of Australian Writers. He has worked as a Writer-in-Community, Artist-in-Residence, Dramaturge and Artistic Director of the 2005 Melbourne Emerging Writers' Festival. He has been widely published in journals. His work has been broadcast on radio and in 2004 he was commissioned to write and record 15 monologues based on his childhood in a Ballarat orphanage for "Life Matters" ABC Radio National. This piece has since been reworked and ...
   [Above] Photo of Terry Jaensch by Terry Jaensch, 2001.

Geoff Fox

Geoff Fox is a Melbourne performance poet in love with the best of Indonesia. For seven years he has focussed on the work of Indonesian women poets, performing with singers at many Melbourne venues including Monsalvat, Chapel off Chapel and Revolver. People with whom Geoff has performed include: Amien Rais (current chairman of the parliamentary body which elects Indonesia's president and which impeached Wahid), Neno Warisman (who sang to Miterrand and Reagan when they visited Indonesia), Arief Budiman (professor of Indonesian studies at melbourne university), Tim Costello (president of the Australian Baptist Union), Robert Mate Mate (who was an indigenous story teller from Queensland) ...
   [Above] Photo of Geoff Fox by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Judith Aquilina

Jude Aquilina lives in the Adelaide Hills where she keeps free-range geese and bantams (as pets). She enjoys full-moon bush walks and photography. Her poetry has been published in newspapers and literary journals across Australia and in the UK and US. She has published two collections with Wakefield Press: Knifing the Ice in 2000 (Winner of the Friendly Street Single Poet's Collection) and On a moon spiced night in 2004. Jude is Office Manager of the SA Writers' Centre, where she feels privileged to meet writers daily and hear about their writing projects and life experiences. She also runs creative writing workshops for school students and adults, and has edited others' poetry together with ...
   [Above] Photo of Judith Aquilina by Britanny Ramsey, 2006.

Timoshenko Aslanides

Timoshenko Aslanides is Australian, born in Sydney on 24 December 1943. Timoshenko has worked as a full-time, professional poet since 1985. He began writing poetry after moving to Canberra in 1972. His first book of poems, The Greek Connection, 1977, won him the British Commonwealth Poetry Prize for 1978 for the best first book of poetry in English published in the British Commonwealth of Nations the previous year. His eighth book of poetry, Occasions for Words, has just been published by Wakefield Press (Adelaide). Timoshenko has been interviewed by and read his poetry on a variety of ABC and Public Radio stations throughout Australia, as well as with the BBC in London. ...
   [Above] Photo of Timoshenko Aslanides by Timoshenko Aslanides, 1998.

Kaye Aldenhoven

Kaye Aldenhoven has lived and worked in the Northern Territory for many years. PressPress published Skin, a chap book in 2004. This includes poems that focus on her family's experiences in Wailpiri country at Yuendumu. In 2001, she self-published a collection of poetry inspired by Kakadu and western Arnhem Land, titled, In My Husband’s Country. Kaye has been writing for many years and her poetry has been published in various anthologies and journals including, Bugs and Bliss, Northern Perspective and Landmark: Poetry from the Northern Territory. In 1993, she won the NT Literary Awards Red Earth Poetry Award. Kaye has read her poems on ABC radio, and in a variety of live forums: Darwin, Shoalhaven ...
   [Above] Photo of Kaye Aldenhoven courtesy of the NT Writers Centre, 2001.

Peter Davis

Peter Davis is a freelance writer and radio documentary maker. He is studying writing and editing at RMIT. Peter has had two plays produced: 'Letting in the Lion', Universal Theatres 1995, and 'Positively Everything', broadcast over 6 weeks on national community radio program, 'Out and Out.' He won the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia award in 1995 for best Information documentary for 'The Joan Golding Story'. He has produced regularly as a freelancer for ABC Radio National including 'Poetica' and 'Radio Eye'. He co-produced a documentary about hermits ...
   [Above] Photo of Peter Davis by Peter Davis, 2005.

Michelle Cahill

Michelle Cahill is an Anglo-Indian poet who was born in Kenya. She was educated in the UK and Australia where she studied Medicine at Sydney University. In 1998 she graduated from Macquarie University with an Arts degree majoring in Creative Writing. In 2005 she was one of the 'Poets On Wheels'. Her first collection of poetry The Accidental Cage was Best First Book with Interactive Press 2006 and was listed among the Sydney Morning Herald's Best Books for 2006. Her poems have been published in Cordite, Jacket, Callaloo and broadcast on ABC Radio ...
   [Above] Photo of Michelle Cahill by Mike Spitz, 2005.

Matt Hetherington

I'm a writer and musician based in Melbourne. I've had over 150 poems and haiku published in journals and anthologies throughout Australia, the UK, and America. 'Spoken Word' pieces appear on the CD's Going Down Swinging 2000, spoken in one strange word, and Poetry for Peace, and have been broadcast on (Channel 31), and on radio 'Aural Text' (3RRR), 'The Sunday Show' (ABC 774 AM) and 'Artery' (JJJ). I've translated works from Persian (with Ali Alizadeh), in Eyes in Times of War, Salt Modern Poets, 2006), Spanish, French, and Turkish (the poetry of Hidayet Ceylan in bulayt bulayt: poetry in four languages, World Poetry anthology, 2006). My poems ...
   [Above] Photo of Matt Hetherington by Angela Cook, 2005.

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Thylazine No.12 (June, 2007)

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