The Kangaroo Boning Factory is located outside the town of Brewarrina, in north western New South Wales, Australia. The flesh and bones of dead kangaroos are made into petfood there. This is an aerial photograph of the factory.

This is called a 'chiller box.' The chiller boxes are deposited in various outback towns. The kangaroo shooters kill the kangaroos in the wild and then bring the bodies to the chiller boxes.

Hundreds of dead kangaroos are hung in the chiller boxes. It's like a refridgerator inside. The bodies are collected from the chiller boxes and taken to the boning factory.

These are photos of some sort of trays outside the kangaroo boning factory. They may have been used for drying kangaroo skins.

The trays stacked in this fashion, allow the sun and wind to move through them. It is good to do your own investigations at places like these and ask as many questions as possible.

The manager's son was not happy about me taking photos of the kangaroo boning factory. He said that Greenpeace had visited them in the past.

So although I went inside to have a look around I mainly took photos of the outside of the building

These are some photos of outside the building. The manager's son took me inside. I wasn't allowed to take any photographs.

But I saw men inside cutting up the bodies of dead kangaroos. There was blood and guts everywhere. The smell made me sick.

The flesh and bones of kangaroos that are not wanted by the boning factory are dumped in ditches and buried in landfills out at Red Hill, outside the town of Brewarrina, in north western New South Wales, Australia

This is how some people treat Australian wildlife.

These are some close up photographs of the rubbish dumped out at Red Hill. There are a lot of arms, legs, ribcages, ears and kangaroo fur amongst plastic and other rubbish. There were thousands of flies swarming over this stinking mess.

I thought of all the beautiful kangaroos that had been made into petfood and this kind rubbish. All the mothers and the joeys and male kangaroos that had suffered and died for money $$$ for profit $$ for greed $.

This is the photograph I took while driving away from the dumped kangaroo bodies out at Red Hill. Who would want to kill a beautiful wild kangaroo for petfood? My two dogs are vegetarian. They eat weetbix and soy milk for breakfast and Bushes vegetarian dogfood at night. The are happy and healthy and no kangaroo or other Australian wildlife had to die to feed them.

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