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Australian Artists and Writers Directory - R


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Jennifer Rankin (1941 - 1979)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Ric Raftis (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Bob Randall (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Adrian Rawlins (D.O.B. - 2001)

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Adrian Rawlins by photographer unknown, 1993.

Adrian Rawlin's publications include: Insert publications.

Vicki Raymond (1949 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Leigh Redhead (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Kerry Reed-Gilbert (D.O.B. - )

A Wiradjuri woman from central NSW, Kerry is well known in many different circles, as a professional business women, writer, photographer, and of course, a family member of her extended family. She is mother, grandmother, auntie, niece, sister, daughter, cousin. As a family member she is the youngest of eight, second eldest of six and stuck somewhere in twelve, that's her Mob. Kerry runs her own business Kuracca Consultancy (White Cockatoo) to assist government and non-government bodies in working with Aboriginal people, to achieve self-determination and self-management by addressing the interests, concerns and issues of the Indigenous People of this land not what non-Aboriginal Australians perceive what Aboriginal people need or want. Kerry has a comprehensive list of publications to her credit. Ngunnunggula (Belonging to here) is a collection of works by contemporary older aged Aboriginal writers from the Hoxton Park Aboriginal Group produced from a series of writers workshops she conducted in 1997.
   Photo of Kerry Reed-Gilbert by Geoff Ross, 2002.

Message Stick is a collection of contemporary Aboriginal writers from around Australia for IAD Press Kerry compiled and edited which was launched at the 'Festival of The Dreaming' in 1999. Kerry compiled and edited The Strength of Us as Women: Black Women Speak a collection of nineteen Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women speaking on current issues as well compiling and editing Our place stories about good practice in youth work with Aboriginal young people, with Shane Brown for South Sydney Youth Services. Her article 'Sharing the Space' appeared in Sidewalk Magazine in 2002. Kerry is also a photographer and with the combination of her written words and her photography she allows the audience to share not only the beauty of this land but also to glimpse the impact of colonisation on both the land and the original owners. The fusion of these mediums allows Kerry to address some of the current issues relevant to Aboriginal people today. To complement her latest poetry book titled Talkin' About Country her first solo exhibition was launched at Boomalli in titled also Talkin' About Country. Her photographic works are exhibited frequently at Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative in Sydney. Kerry's works have been published in different books, catalogues and magazines.

Kerry Reed-Gilbert's publications include: Poetry: Black Women, Black Life, (Wakefield Press, 1996); Poetry/Photography: Talkin' About Country, (Kurracca Productions, 2002); Poetry Anthology (Ed): Ngunnunggula (Belonging to here), (publisher unknown, 1997), Message Stick, (publisher unknown, 1999), The Strength of Us as Women: Black Women Speak, (Ginninderra Press, 2000); Fiction Anthology (Ed): Our place, (Compiled and edited with Shane Brown), (publisher unknown, year unknown).

Kerry Reed-Gilbert can be contacted at Email: kuracca (át) austarmetro (dót) com (dót) au

Mark Reid (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Ted Reilly (1944 - )

Edward Reilly - b. Adelaide - teacher, education consultant & inservice provider - MA (1992) thesis on Irish poet Thomas Kinsella - PhD (2000) in Creative Writing / Poetics. Poetry, criticism, student study guides published. Primary critical interest in post-WW2 poetcs, especially Irish & Eastern Europe - has translated from contemporary Lithuanian poets, eg Sigitas Geda. Recently retired as President of Geelong Writers. Active member of Deakin Literary Society & other literature-based groups. Visited USA 1992 (around Turtle Island & Hawai'i), 1999 (San Francisco, AIPF, Fargo & Boston), 2000 (Hawai'i): 2002 schedule takes him to Austin, San Antonio, Lamesa, Tulsa, AIPF& Fargo) for the Red River Conf. on World Literature. Ted Reilly's poetry has been published in "Nimrod" (Tulsa, 2002) and "DiVersecity (Austin, 2002): forthcoming in SideWalk (Adelaide, 2002) & DLS Anthology (Geelong, 2002).
   Photo of Ted Reilly by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Edward Reilly's publications include: Poetry: Deluge (chapbook), (Editions Betula, Geelong, 2002).

David Reiter (1947 - )

Dr. David Reiter is an award-winning poet and writer of fiction, and Director of Interactive Publications, a print and digital publisher in Brisbane. His fourth book, Hemingway in Spain and Selected Poems, was shortlisted for the 1998 Adelaide Festival Literature Awards. His previous books include The Cave After Saltwater Tide, (Penguin, 1994) for which he won the Queensland Premier's Poetry Award. His book of short fiction, Triangles, was shortlisted for the 2000 Steele Rudd Award. His most recent works are Letters We Never Sent; The Gallery, a work of literary multimedia he has been touring in Australia; The Planets, a fictive memoir in multimedia is currently under development.
   Photo of David Reiter by Cherie Reiter, 1995.

David Reiter's publications include: Poetry: Hemingway in Spain and Selected Poems, was shortlisted for the 1998 Adelaide Festival Literature Awards. The Cave After Saltwater Tide, (Penguin, 1994), Letters We Never Sent; The Gallery, (poetry/other), (Literary multimedia, IP Digital, 2000), Kiss and Tell, Selected and New Poems 1987-2002, (Interactive Press, 2002); Fiction: Triangles, (Interactive Press, 1999, Sharpened Knife, (multimedia murder mystery), (IP Digital, Web version/CD Rom version, 2002).

Pat Reynolds (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Helene Richards (D.O.B. - )

Helene Richards is a freelance writer/editor/researcher and publisher (under the imprint of 'HR Publications'), and workplace trainer. She has co-authored two non-fiction books: Bullying in the Workplace: An Occupational Hazard (HarperCollins, 2002) and Money Management for Women (University of New South Wales Press 1999). Helene has written the history of the Shell oil refinery at Newport, 80 Years at Newport (1996). She has also had articles, poetry and short stories published in anthologies, magazines and The Age newspaper, and has won or been placed in various literary competitions.
   Photo of Helene Richards by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Duncan Richardson (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Martha Richardson (1943 - 2002)

Born Los Angeles, California 1st April. Educated at California State University at Los Angeles - graduated 1965. Taught Elementary school in California and Utah Married Edward Richardson in St. George, Utah 28th June 1985. Emigrated to Australia August 1990. Recommenced writing 1994 - published in several journals. Won an ABC prize for poetry in 1995. Was awarded a "Commendation" in the Ann Elder Poetry awards in Melbourne 2000. Martha died 13th June 2002. She left many unpublished works and unfinished works in her files.
   Photo of Martha Richardson by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Martha Richardson's publications include: Insert publications.

Rob Reil (D.O.B. - )

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Rob Reil courtesy of Brandl & Schlesinger, year unknown.

Rob Reil's publications include: Insert publications.

Elizabeth Riddell (1910 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Sally Rippin (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Rachel Robbins (1978 - )

Rachel Robbins was born in Canberra, Australia and still lives there. She sometimes feels she is not old enough to have done anything exciting, although this is not in fact true. She has always loved words. Rachel started writing poems several years ago (having, as her grandmother describes it, a compulsion to write), but has only recently been trying to get them into public view. She recently participated in the Red Room Project and has had a poem accepted by The Dawn. When not pursuing her slightly secret life as a poet, Rachel is mostly working on a PhD in cognitive psychology. She also ice-skates.
   Photo of Rachel Robbins by Michael Robbins, 2002.

Rachel Robbin's publications include: Insert publications.

Nigel Roberts (1941 - )

Nigel Roberts was born in New Zealand, and trained in Auckland as a teacher. He met Australian poet Bruce Beaver while apple-picking near Nelson in New Zealand in 1960. He arrived in Sydney a few years later and worked there as an art teacher until his retirement, living on the Balmain peninsula. He published Free Poetry, a mainly roneod poetry and graphics magazine that featured the work of his own generation. He has travelled to the USA.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Nigel Roberts's publications include: Insert publications.

Tom Roberts - Artist (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Isobel Robin (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Roland Robinson (1912 - 1992)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Angela Rockell (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Judith Rodriguez (1956 - )

Judith Rodriguez was born in Perth and brought up in Brisbane. Nine collections of her poetry have been published. Water Life won the inaugural South Australian Government Prize for Poetry in 1978, and both this book and Mudcrab At Gambaro's (1980) include Judith's linocuts along with her poems. Linocuts are also used as decorations in her New And Selected Poems, and Judith has had a number of exhibitions of her linocuts in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Paris. In collaboration with Robyn Archer, Judith wrote a play, Poor Johanna - the story of the woman who became Joseph Furphy's character Nosey Alf in Such Is Life - which was produced in Adelaide in 1994. In the early 1990s she was commissioned by the Australian Opera to write a libretto for Sydney composer Moya Henderson, on the subject of the death of baby Azaria Chamberlain and the trial for murder, imprisonment and acquittal of her mother Lindy. Lindy, is premiering October 2002, Sydney Opera House. A past Poetry Editor of Meanjin Quarterly, Judith was for eight years in the 1990s the Series Editor of modern Australian poetry at Penguin Books Australia.
   Photo of Judith Rodriguez by Jenni Mitchell, 1998.

She has edited several anthologies. Judith Rodriguez is a teacher of English Literature and Writing, and now heads Deakin University's Professional Writing studies area as well as doing some teaching in the University of Madras's Australian studies program. She has been awarded three Australia Council fellowships and has been Writer in Residence at Curtin University of Technology, RMIT and Rollins College, Florida. She works on the Committees of the Australian Society of Authors and the Melbourne PEN Centre, and also as a literary judge and critic. She was awarded the F.A.W. Christopher Brennan Award for Poetry and the AM. She is at present finishing a new book of poetry and researching Australian literary translation. [Postal Address: PO Box 231, Mont Albert, Victoria, 3127, Australia.]

Judith Rodriguez's publications include: Poetry: New and Selected Poems, (University of Queensland Press, 1988), The Cold, (National Library of Australia, 1992), Water Life, (poetry and lino cuts), (University of Queensland Press, 1978), Mudcrab At Gambaro's, (University of Queensland Press, 1980), Play: Poor Johanna, (In collaboration with Robyn Archer), (Production Company?)/(published in Heroines ed. Dale Spender, Penguin Australia, 1994), Poetry (Ed):Collected Poems Of Jennifer Rankin, (University of Queensland Press, 1990).

Gregory Rogers (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Eric Rolls (1923 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Peter Rose (D.O.B. - )

Insert Biographical Details.
   Photo of Peter Rose by Jenni Mitchell, 1998.

Peter Rose's publications include: Insert Publications

Wilga Rose (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jacob G. Rosenberg (D.O.B. - )

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   Photo of Jacob G. Rosenberg courtesy of Brandl & Schlesinger, year unknown.

Jacob G. Rosenberg's publications include: Insert publications.

Zan Ross (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Rhonda Ross (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Judith Rossell (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Nancy-Gay Rotstein (D.O.B. - )

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   Photo of Nancy-Gay Rotstein courtesy of Brandl & Schlesinger, year unknown.

Nancy-Gay Rotstein's publications include: Insert publications.

Robin Roland (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Eric Rowbotham (1924 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jeanette Rowe (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Noel Rowe (1951 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Graham Rowlands (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

J. R. Rowland (1925 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Rumplestiltskin (D.O.B. - )

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   Photo of Rumplestiltskin by Pamela Sidney, 1989.

Rumplestiltskin's publications include: Insert publications.

Philip Rush (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Anne Ryan (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Brendan Ryan (1963 - )

Brendan Ryan grew up on a dairy farm at Panmure in western Victoria, and currently lives in Melbourne. He has had poems published in a number of journals including Otis Rush, Meanjin, Ulitarra and Southerly. He has poems forthcoming in Westerly, Heat, The Age, and Going Down Swinging. In December 2000, a critical essay on Philip Hodgins will be published in Antipodes. He is currently studying for his Dip. Ed, and hopes, idealistically, to give students an education in poetry that he didn't receive.
   Photo of Brendan Ryan by Alison Girvan, 2000

Brendan Ryan's publications include: Poetry: Mungo Poems, (chapbook), (Soup Publications, 1998), Why I Am Not a Farmer, (Five Islands Press, 2000).

Gig Ryan (1956 - )

Gig Ryan's first book of poems, The Division of Anger, appeared in 1981 and was co-winner of the Anne Elder Poetry Award. In 1988 she was awarded a Writer's Fellowship from the Literature Board of the Australia Council. Gig writes songs for her band, Driving Past. Her Recordings include; Disband: Six Goodbyes, 1988, and Driving Past, 1998. Gig Ryan's fifth book of poetry Pure and Applied won the Victorian Premier's Award for poetry in 1999. She is currently poetry editor at The Age, Melbourne, and freelance reviewer.
   Photo of Gig Ryan of Brandl & Schlesinger, year unknown.

Gig Ryan's publications include: Poetry: The Division of Anger, (publisher unknown, 1981), Driving Past, (publisher unknown, 1998), The Division of Anger, (Transit Press, 1981), Manners of an Astronaut, (Hale & Iremonger, 1984), The Last Interior, (Scripsi, 1986), Excavation, (Picador, 1990), Pure and Applied, (Paper Bark Press, 1998), Heroic Money, (Brandl & Schlesinger, 2001); Disband: Six Goodbyes, (songs/album), Disband/Big Holme Productions, 1988, Real Estate, (Music CD) (Chapter Music, 1999).

Tracy Ryan (1964 - )

Tracy Ryan was born and grew up in Western Australia but now lives in England. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Literature, and has also studied European languages at the University of Western Australia. She has worked in libraries and at bookselling, taught at Curtin University of Technology, and edited poetry and fiction for magazines. Killing Delilah was shortlisted for the 1994 Western Australian Premier's Prize for Poetry and the John Bray Award, Adelaide Festival, 1996; Bluebeard in Drag was shortlisted for the 1997 Western Australian Premier's Prize for Poetry. She was joint winner of the 1996 Times Literary Supplement/Poems on the Underground short poem competition.
   Photo of Tracy Ryan by Wendy J. Kinsella, 1998.

Tracy Ryan's publications include: Fiction: Vamp (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1997); Poetry: Killing Delilah (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1994), Bluebeard in Drag, (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1996), The Willing Eye (BloodAxe Books, 1997, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1999), Slant (rempress, 1997), Hothouse (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2002), Jazz Tango (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2002).


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