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Australian Artists and Writers Directory - N


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Shane Nagle (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Kim and James Neale (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Philip Neilsen (D.O.B. - )

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   Photo of Philip Neilsen by Stephen Booth, 2001.

Philip Neilsen's publications include: Insert publications.

John Shaw Neilson (1872 - 1942)

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   Photo of John Shaw Neilsen by photographer unknown, year unknown.

John Shaw Neilsen's publications include: Insert publications.

Vera Newsom (1912 - )

Vera Newsom emigrated from England to New Zealand at the age of seven, then moved to Australia in her adolescence. She was raised in a family that was fiercely supportive of the women's suffrage movement, and she was encouraged by her father to pursue academic goals. As a young woman, Newsom began a career as a teacher, eventually working for over 40 years in state and private schools. She was retrenched from the state system in 1934 when she married. After retiring, Newsom began to pay serious attention to her writing. She had suspended her interest in poetry writing for approximately 40 years while she focused on family responsibilities. In the late 1970's she co-founded the Round Table Poets and her first published selection, Midnight Snow appeared in 1988. Newsom has undertaken fellowships at the Hawthornden International Writers' Retreat Centre Scotland, and at the Varuna Writers' Centre, Katoomba. She has twice received 2-year fellowships from the Australia Council to foster her writing. The Young Street Poets held a special even to celebrate Newsom's 90th birthday in 2002. On this occasion Judith Beveridge delivered an address in which she described Newsom's poetry as being characterized by a meticulous attention to craft, clarity directness, rhythm, and a sparse lyrical elegance, and by a deft tonal and formal control.
   Photo of Vera Newsom by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Vera Newsom's publications include: Poetry: A psalm of rejoicing and other poems, (Picaro Press, 2005), High Tide, (Five Islands Press, 2000), Emily Bronte recollects and other poems, (Angus & Robertson, 1995), The apple and the serpent, (Hale & Iremonger, 1992), Midnight Snow, (Hale & Iremonger, 1988).

Col Newsome (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Adam Nickel (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Louise Nicholas (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Sue L Nichols (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Peter Nicholson (1950 - )

Born in Waverley, New South Wales, Peter Nicholson was educated at Armidale Teachers College and Macquarie University. He has published three books of poetry. A Temporary Grace contains At The Water's Edge and Views To A Bridge as well as the poetic narrative Fast Forward. Such Sweet Thunder comprises Shadow Of A Doubt, Prometheus and S.S. Snakebite. A Dwelling Place includes Speech To A Mountain and New Affection, New Noise. These are separated by Notebook, a series of commentaries, opinions and questions about aesthetics.
   Photo of Peter Nicholson by David Moore, 1995.

Peter Nicholson's publications include: Poetry: A Temporary Grace, (Wellington Lane Press, 1991) Such Sweet Thunder, (Wellington Lane Press, 1994) A Dwelling Place, (Wellington Lane Press, 1997).

Go to An introduction to the work of Australian poet and writer Peter Nicholson.

Christopher Nielson (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Ted Nielsen (D.O.B. - )

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   Photo of Ted Nielsen courtesy of Brandl & Schlesinger, year unknown.

Ted Nielsen's publications include: Insert publications.

Deborah Niland (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Kilmeny Niland (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Rosemary Nissan (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jenni Nixon (D.O.B. - )

Born in Chatswood, N.S.W. Jenni Nixon attended many schools before leaving at 15, beginning work in Macquarie Street dental nursing, nursing at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, working as a typist-receptionist-clerk, cleaner, courier and other odd jobs supported her theatrical training. She graduated the Independent Theatre School, Sydney and worked as an actor for many years. Touring NSW with Arts Council programs & QLD schools with the Queensland Theatre Company's Antigone (playing Antigone) a poetry program: That's What I Said and Michael Boddy revue What's In it For Me? Later with S.U.D.S played Eliz Proctor in The Crucible, Ursula in Bartholomew Fair (directed by Neil Armfield) and revues and political theatre including Urban Blight, a Detox Woman's Theatre Project. As a performance poet, Jenni has read her own work at a wide range of events in Sydney and Melbourne.
   Photo of Jenni Nixon by Tracey Beckler, 2003.

Readings include, at Gleebooks, Parakeet Café, Katoomba, Live Poets Society, The Feminist Bookshop, token word knot gallery, Ngara, 4th Australian Poetry Festival, World Refugee Day, Marrickville, Perverse Verse at The NSW Writers Centre and at The Crypt, (Cat & Fiddle pub) Sydney. Her poem, "visitor at home", won the 2002 Leonard Teale memorial performance prize at the Henry Lawson Festival, Gulgong, NSW. Appearances on radio include ABC (Canberra), 2SERfm Sydney (gay waves), The Red Room Company's 89.7fm (June 2004). Interviewed by Robyn Ravlich for ABC Radio National programs on Vicki Viidikas, September 2005 ('through the voices of her friends'). Jenni was a member of several women's writing groups, BlueTongues, a lesbian writers group and The Sunday Group with Vera Newsom and Carolyn Gerrish and others for many years. She is a member of the N.S.W. Writers Centre and The Poets Union, serving on the committee for two years. Published widely in small press anthologies & literary magazines: Cargo, Scant, Campaign, Poets on the Heath, Falling for Grace, Wild About the Roof, Illness, Overland, Overland eXpress, Southerly, from the anabranch, Open Boat Barbed Wire Sky, five bells, Sappho's Dreams & Delights, Ask The Rain, Breaking Free, Slam the Body Politik, (synaptic graffiti collective (multimedia CD-ROM,) 'fixes it's lines into place with the precision of a rivet gun' - overland. Essays on The International Poetry Festival, Wellington, New Zealand, appeared in Poetry NZ edited by Alistair Paterson, in Newswrite, the NSW Writers Centre magazine and Five Bells, Spring 2004 (Poets Union newsletter). Australian & International Feminisms Conference, Dangerous Word, published in Abstracts and reprinted 'Feminism Issue, Social Alternatives' (guest poetry editor) Sept 05. Jenni lives in Sydney and is an active poet/ performer at diverse venues, is currently working on a collection of prose.

Jenni Nixon publications include: Poetry: Café Boogie, (Interactive Press, 2004), CD Text & Audio: Café Boogie, (Interactive Press, 2005).

Jenni Nixon can be contacted at Email: jen-n (át) zip (dót) com (dót) au    Go to Jenni Nixon's book Cafe Boogie

Sir Sidney Nolan - Artist (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Oodgeroo Noonuccal (1920 - 1995)

Oodgeroo (of the tribe Noonuccal)(1920–95) was born Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska, on Minjerribah (the Stradbroke Islands). She became a domestic servant at the age of 13, and served in the Australian Women’s Army Service from 1942 to 1944. In 1970, Oodgeroo Noonuccal (under the name Kathleen Walker) was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to the community. She returned the award in 1987 in protest against the forthcoming Australian Bicentenary celebrations in Brisbane in 1988. She was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Mary Gilmore Medal (1970), the Jessie Litchfield Award (1975), and the Fellowship of Australian Writers’ Award. She also held an honourary doctorate of letters (Macquarie University) and was awarded the degree of Doctor of the University from Griffith University. Her first book of poetry was We Are Going (1964), the first book of published poetry by an aboriginal Australian.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal's publications include: Insert publications.

Shelly Norrington (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jiri Tibor Novak (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Graham Nunn (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!


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