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Australian Artists and Writers Directory - J


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Lisa Jacobson (D.O.B. - )

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Lisa Jacobson by Pamela Sidney, year unknown.

Lisa Jacobson's publications include: Insert publications.

Andy Jackson (1971 - )

Andy Jackson was born in Bendigo, Victoria and lives in Coburg, Melbourne. Having grown up physically unusual, he has written poetry, fiction and criticism which reflects on the body, memory, sexuality, power, identity and spirituality. He became a visible presence in the Melbourne live poetry scene in the mid 1990s, and since then has been a featured reader at dozens of events and a number of festivals, including La Mama Poetica, The Age Melbourne Writers Festival, Overload Poetry Festival, Dan O'Connell Hotel, Emerging Writers Festival, Art of Difference Festival, Spinning Room South and Babble. He has self-published three books of poetry and short prose - Carpet Insomnia (1997, with Mandi Ashcroft), Hymns of Doubt (2000), and Aperture (2003). His writing has been published in established and obscure journals, both print and on-line, including Going Down Swinging, Softblow, Space New Writing, Four W, Salt Lick, Hutt, The Mozzie, Cordite, Verandah, Real Time, unMagazine, LiNQ and Page Seventeen. He has also appeared on radio (3RRR-FM) and television (Channel 31's Red Lobster). In 2001, he quit the public service to set up and run a café and performance space in Collingwood, called 'Good Morning Captain'. Exhausted and keen to write, he closed the café in 2004, after being awarded a New Work grant by the Literature Board of the Australia Council. Working with Klare Lanson, he curated and hosted the opening night of the 2006 Overload Poetry Festival, Takin It To The Streets.
   Photo of Andy Jackson by photographer, year.

He has also collaborated with various sound artists and musicians - Aperture included a CD of poems set to music, and he has performed live with North Atlantic. He is currently working on a collection of poems called Among the Regulars, expected to be available in 2008.

Andy Jackson's publications include: Poetry/Short Prose: Carpet Insomnia (1997, with Mandi Ashcroft), Hymns of Doubt (2000), and Aperture (2003).

Anna Jackson (D.O.B. - )

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Anna Jackson by Stephen Booth, 2001.

Anna Jackson's publications include: Insert publications.

Terry Jaensch (1970 - )

Terry Jaensch is a an Australian poet/actor and monologist based in Melbourne. He was born in Swan Hill and raised for the most part, in Ballarat. He studied acting for two years in New York at the Stella Adler Conservatory and the Herbert Berghof Studio. His one-man show, Kissing Myself, was short-listed for the 1995 Wal Cherry Award and subsequently produced by St Martin's Theatre. He has read widely around Melbourne and at interstate festivals, and worked as Writer-in-Community for the City of Boroondara. He was awarded a mentorship through the Victorian Writers Centre in 2000. His first volume of poetry Buoy, was Highly Commended in the Anne Elder Award by the Fellowship of Australian Writers. He has worked as a Writer-in-Community, Artist-in-Residence, Dramaturge and Artistic Director of the 2005 Melbourne Emerging Writers' Festival. He is widely published in journals (hardcopy and on-line), both locally and internationally. His work has been broadcast on radio and in 2004 he was commissioned to write and record 15 monologues based on his childhood in a Ballarat orphanage for "Life Matters" ABC Radio National. This piece has since been reworked and performed for theatre as "Orphan's Own Project." He has a background in acting, having studied at the Stella Adler Conservatory and the Herbert Berghof Studio in New York. In 2004/05 he was the recipient of an Asialink residency in Singapore which allowed collaboration on a poetic work with Singaporean poet Cyril Wong. Excess Baggage & Claim, the resulting work will be published by transitlounge in 2007. He is in demand as a performer of his own work and others. His work has been published in journals both in Australia and overseas.
   Photo of Terry Jaensch by Stephen Booth, 2001.

Terry Jaensch's publications include: Poetry: Buoy, (Five Islands Press, 2001).

Subhash Jaireth (1950 - )

Subhash Jaireth was born in a small town in Punjab, Northern India. Between 1969 and 1978 he spent nine years in Moscow studying geology. He has published poems in Hindi, Russian and English. His poems have appeared in Imago, LinQ, Northern Perspective, Scarp, Muse, Outrider and Canberra Times. In the past few years his essays, story-essays and other prose pieces have been published in the Australian Book Review, Australian Review of Books, Meanjin, Imago and Heat. The season poems selected for Thylazine come from his book (to be published by Wild Peony, Sydney) Yashodhara: Six Seasons without You in which he tells the story of Yashodhara also known as Gopa or Bimba, the wife of Sidhartha, also known as Gautama, the would-be Buddha.
   Photo of Subhash Jaireth by Hanna Jaireth, 1992.

Subhash Jaireth's publications include: Poetry: Before the Bullet Hit Me, (Vani Prakashan, 1994), Unfinished Poems for Your Violin, (Penguin Books Australia, in 1996).

Ann James (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Clive James (1939 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Adele Jaunn (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Alan Jefferies (1957 - )

Alan Jefferies was born in Brisbane and grew up in Cleveland, Queensland. During the 1980's and 1990's he lived mainly in Sydney and Coalcliff. He holds degrees in Communication and Writing from the University of Technology and worked for many years as a librarian for the W.E.A. (Workers' Educational Association), Sydney. He has pubished four books of poems. His work has appeared in publications in Australia and overseas. In 1998 he moved to Hong Kong, China where he now lives and works. Most recently he has been involved with organising a regular spoken-word event in Hong Kong called OutLoud. He has recently been collaborating with the computer based band "Digital cut-up Lounge".
   Photo of Alan Jefferies by Claire Cottone, 2001.

Alan Jefferies's publications include: Poetry: Among the living, (Glandular Press, 1980), High Jinx, (Transit, 1983), Writing from a bankrupt 13th principle, (Third Degree, 1990), Blood Angels, (Cerberus, 1997).

Sandy Jeffs (1953 - )

Sandy Jeffs grew up in Ballarat. She graduated from La Trobe University with an Arts Degree in 1975. When she was 23 she had her first psychotic episode and has lived with schizophrenia and all its moods and difficulties ever since. Poems from the Madhouse, was awarded 2nd place in the 1993 FAW Anne Elder Poetry Award, as well as a Certificate of Commendation in the 1994 Human Rights Awards. Loose Kangaroos, won a Certificate of Commendation in the 1998 Human Rights Awards. Loose Kangaroos is also the name of a group of sanity-challenged poets with whom she performs her poetry. Sandy lives with her friends and animals on the outskirts of Melbourne.
   Photo of Sandy Jeffs by Robyn Adams, 1999.

Sandy Jeff's publications include: Poetry: Poems from the Madhouse, (Spinifex Press, 1993), Loose Kangaroos, (poetry/co-author), (Domain Press, 1998), Confessions of a Midweek Lady, (Spinifex Press, year unknown), Blood Relations, (Spinifex Press, 2000).

Jeltje (1951 - )

Jeltje was born in Amsterdam (Holland). Migrated to Australia with her parents and two sisters in 1963. Jeltje has been writing and editing with Collective Effort Press (Melbourne) since 1978. Perhaps best known for her poems that mention her (now deceased) cat Sefi (Persephone).
   Photo of Jeltje by Sjaak de Jong, 1997.

Jeltje's publications include: Poetry: Living in Aboriginal Australia, (Collective Effort Press, 1988), Catching Worms, (Collective Effort Press, 1993), Dark into Light, (performance/cd with musical improvisations by Unamunos Quorum (voice) and saxophonist Robert Calvert), (Collective Effort Press, 1998).

John Jenkins (1949 - )

John Jenkins lives in Kangaroo Ground, on the fringe of the Yarra Valley. A poet, journalist, editor and teacher of wide experience, John has been writing for the past 35 years, and is the author of eight collections of poetry and two non-fiction books on Australian music. He has also edited a collection of travel stories and two books of short fiction. He has won several prizes and awards and written numerous essays, reviews and articles. His verse novel, A Break in the Weather (Modern Writing Press) appeared in 2003 and his most recent poetry collection is Dark River (Five Islands Press, 2003). His work has also been extensively broadcast on radio. His forthcoming collection, Growing Up With Mr Menzies, should be available in 2007.
   Photo of John Jenkins by Jenni Mitchell, 2003.

John Jenkins's publications include: Poetry: A Break In The Weather, (Modern Writing Press, 2003), Dark River, (Five Islands Press, 2003), Poems of Relative Unlikelihood, co-written with Ken Bolton (Little Esther, 2005).

John Jenkins can be contacted at Email: jjseahorse12000 (át) yahoo (dót) com (dót) au

Wendy Jenkins (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Kate Jennings (1949 - )

Kate Jennings was born near Temora, NSW, and was raised near Griffith in the Riverina district. She was active in leftist and feminist politics of the sixties, going on to become a poet, critic, and essayist. She compiled a collection of women’s poetry Mother I’m Rooted (1975).She has made her home in New York City since 1979. Her writing (mainly prose memoir and essays) includes Come to Me My Melancholy Baby (poetry, 1975), Save Me, Joe Louis (1988), Women Falling Down in the Street (1990), Bad Manners (1993), Cats, Dogs & Pitchforks (1993), Snake (1996) and Moral Hazard (2002).
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Kate Jennings's publications include: Insert publications.

Sydney Jephcott (1864 - 1951)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Allen Jesson (D.O.B. - )

In 1998 I hooked up to the Internet and purchased a book "How to build your web-site in 24 hours". Four months (!) later, I had my first web-site up and running and waited for the mass of visitors to come and view my work. It was then I struck on the idea of writing poems for charity, because I had already started writing poems for friends and family's weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. I approached a couple of "Free Sites" to feature my site and was literally flooded with requests. So much so, we formed a loose group (Poets For People) of like minded poets who gave their time for charity. We did this for a couple of years but became increasingly frustrated with people who would request the poem, receive the poem and then we would hear nothing back whatsoever, not so much as a thank you. This became soul destroying after a while so I decided to "commercialize" the site and charge people up front (I then donate 25% of the proceeds to various charities around the world).
   Photo of Allen Jesson by Jill Maidens, 2003.

This has worked really well and the popularity of the site is outstanding. A Gift Of Poetry is now attracting over 10,000 visitors per day and is growing every month!

Allen Jesson's publications include: Insert publications.

Allen Jesson can be contacted at Email: allenjesson (át) agiftofpoetry (dót) com   Go to A Gift of Poetry

Kathielyn Job (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Cheryll Johns (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Judy Johnson (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Martin R Johnson (1947 - 1990)

Martin Johnston was born in Sydney, the son of writers George Johnston and Charmian Clift. He had a European upbringing, spending fourteen years of his childhood abroad, first in England and then in Greece. In the early 1960s his parents returned to Australia, and in the late 1960s and 1970s Martin was connected with a group of young poets and editors in Sydney including Laurie Duggan, Carl Harrison-Ford and Robert Adamson who were busy overhauling New Poetry magazine. He wrote an experimental novel Cicada Gambit and published several books of poetry, married, and travelled widely in Europe. In 1993 the University of Queensland Press published the posthumous Martin Johnston — Selected Poems and Prose, edited by John Tranter.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Martin R Johnson's publications include: Insert publications.

Michael Johnson (D.O.B. - )

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Michael Johnson by Pamela Sidney, unknown year.

Michael Johnson's publications include: Insert publications.

Rob Johnson (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Martin Johnston (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Elizabeth Jolly - Writer (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Erica Jolly (1933 - )

Erica Jolly was born in Adelaide (South Australia) in 1933. After many years involved in her art, an illustrated first collection of poetry entitled Pomegranates was produced by Lythrum Press in 2003. Erica was deeply influenced by the poetry of William Wordsworth, a familiarity that arose during a teaching stint in England. Erica Jolly is an outspoken and well-known critic of social injustice and her humanism has been evident in the South Australian Education Department, especially in relation to gender equality, and beyond. Jolly's poetry has been published in numerous Friendly Street Poets anthologies, and has been published in such places as Social Alternatives, SideWaLK, Courier-Mail, Adelaide Review, Famous Reporter and Adelaide Voices. Erica Jolly¹s publications began in 1977 with the joint not-for-profit publication with Frances Wells of an anthology for students: Help Yourselves: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing on Food which included contributions from well-known Australians, politicians, an historian, novelists and poets, the work of the Indigenous poet and playwright Jack Davis and a generous contribution from Iris Murdoch.
   Photo of Erica Jolly by Ben Harkin, 2002.

Besides Iris Murdoch and Jack Davis, contributors included Philip Adams, Don Dunstan, Judah Waten, Colin Thiele, Hugh Stretton, Ruth Park, Nancy Cato, and Gwen Harwood. After resigning from the Education Department in 1992, she compiled We Came To Marion: A Celebration of Marion High School from 1955-1995 and A Broader Vision: Voices of Vocational Education in Twentieth Century South Australia, 1897-2001.

Erica Jolly's publications include: Poetry: Pomegranates (Lythrum Press, 2003).

Erica Jolly can be contacted at Email: ericajolly (át) chariot (dót) net (dót) au

David Jones (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Eli Jones (1975 - )

Eli Jones lives in Tasmania after years of wandering here, there and everywhere. He is 29 but feels as if he has been here for an eternity. He has tried to fit as many lifetimes into one as is possible and to inhabit as many archetypes as is possible. There are many entities within his head. He has been writing in a haphazard fashion for just over a decade. He submits poetry to magazines both because he hates to see resources wasted and because over the years he has leeched inspiration etc from the art of others and would therefore like to give something back through his own offerings. So far he has had poetry published by - Australian Poetic Society, Famous Reporter, Snow Monkey, Megaera, Enfuse Magazine, Numbat, The Coffee Press Journal, Cordite Poetry Review, Gangway, Poetry Life & Times, Experimental Poetry.com, Moongate Internationale, The Surface, The Write Stuff, Showcase of Tasmanian Poetry.
   Photo of Eli Jones by Eli Jones, 2003.

Eli Jones's publications include: Insert publications.

Eli Jones's creative work can now be used free of charge in the public domain under the Creative Commons License. Eli Jones supports the concept of free culture in Australia and on the world wide web.

Evan Jones (1931 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Rae Desmond Jones (1941 - )

Rae Desmond Jones was born in Broken Hill, New South Wales. He left school at fourteen and worked in a number of manual jobs. He has published a number of books of poetry, including: Orpheus With A Tuba, (Makar Press 1973), The Mad Vibe, (Saturday Centre Press, 1975), Shakti, (Makar press, 1977). He has also published several novels: The Lemon Tree, (Angus and Robertson, 1991), Wisdom, (Blackwattle Press, 1995), and a book of short stories, Walking The Line, (Red Press, 1979). He has also written a novel: The Seven Gated City, which retells the Oedipus myth, with its personal theme but allows the tragic classic to take place in the context of globalisation and recent national and international political events. He is in the process of compiling a volume of poetry, High Tide. He has read poetry on dvd and video tape, Rae Jones: Poet With A Tuba (Vanguard Videos). He regards himself as an active politician and an active poet and writer. He has always enjoyed being published in small presses and underground magazines. He searches unceasingly for outlets sympathetic to his rebellious muse.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Jones has worked at various occupations, including magazine editor, public servant and teacher. In 2004 he was elected the Mayor of the Sydney Municipality of Ashfield. He finds poetry and politics mutually contradictory, and finds consolation from each in the arms of the other.

Rae Desmond Jones's publications include: Insert publications.

Jill Jones (D.O.B. - )

Jill Jones is a poet and writer who lives in Sydney, Australia. Her work has been widely published in most of the leading literary periodicals in Australia as well as in a number of magazines in New Zealand, Canada, the USA and Britain. Her work also appears in a number of on-line publications. In 1993 she won the Mary Gilmore Award for The Mask and the Jagged Star. The Book of Possibilities was shortlisted for the National Book Council 'Banjo' Awards, the Adelaide Festival Awards and The Age Book of the Year Awards. She served as a judge for the 1995 NSW Premier's Literary Awards and was a member of the Sydney Writers' Festival committee. She was one of a number of poets featured at the first National Poetry Festival, held in Melbourne in April 1997, and at the first Australian Poetry Festival in Sydney in 1999. Jill Jones has worked in a number of different fields over the years including legal publishing, journalism, public policy and arts administration.
   Photo of Jill Jones by Annette Willis, 2000.

She has also worked as a columnist and staff journalist for the Sydney Star Observer. She has been the recipient of two Australia Council grants and is also involved in literary publishing. She has been a regular reviewer of books, theatre and music for a number of periodicals. She is currently a film reviewer for the Sydney Star Observer.

Jill Jones's publications include: Poetry: The Mask and the Jagged Star, (Hazard Press, year unknown), Flagging Down Time, (Five Islands Press, 1993), A Parachute of Blue, (poetry anthology/co-edited with Judith Beveridge and Louise Wakeling), (Round Table Publications, 1995), The Book of Possibilities, (Hale & Iremonger, 1997), Screens, Jets, Heaven: New and Selected Poems, (Salt Publishing, 2002), The Real Me, (Wild Honey Press, 2002).

Barry Jonsberg (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Manfred Jurgensen (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!


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