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Australian Artists and Writers Directory - G


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Leone Gabrielle (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Lyn Gallacher (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Majory Gardener (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Silvana Gardner (D.O.B. - )

Silvana Gardner is an artist and poet whose work is represented in several permanent collections including the Bell Gallery (Brown University, USA), the Queensland Art Gallery, the Brisbane City Hall Art Gallery and Museum, the National Gallery of Victoria (Mitchell Collection) and in numerous private collections. Plateau Press published her eighth book of poetry, Ridge & Swale in 2002. She also writes books for children.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Silvana Gardner's publications include: Poetry: When Sunday Comes, (University of Queensland Press, 1982), Hacedor, (Planet Press, 1982), With Open Eyes, (Queensland Community Press, 1983), Children of the Dragon, (Jacaranda Wiley, 1985), The Devil in Nature, (University of Queensland Press, 1987), Cochineal Red, (Pamphlet Poets, National Library of Canberra, 1992), The Rainbow Cat, (Boolarong, 1992), The Painter of Icons, (Boolarong, 1993), The Bluetongue who Loved a Wooden Crocodile, (Boolarong, 1996), Ridge & Swale, (Plateau Press, 2002).

Keith Garvey (D.O.B. - )

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of poet by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Keith Garvey's publications include: Insert publications.

Claire Gaskin (1966 - )

Claire Gaskin was born in Australia. She now lives in country Victoria where she facilitates creative writing workshops and courses and runs public literary readings. She has been publishing her work in literary journals for eighteen years. She has two daughters, two dogs and two cats. She practises, studies and teachers yoga and hopes that something of a meditative quality comes through in her writing. She is interested in authenticity of image and passion in poetry.
   Photo of Claire Gaskin by Claire Gaskin, 2000.

Claire Gaskin's publications include: Poetry: A snail in the ear of the Buddha, (Soup Publications, 1998).

William Gay (1865 - 1897)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Edwin Gerald (1891 - ????)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Carolyn Gerrish (D.O.B. - )

Carolyn Gerrish is a Sydney poet who teaches creative writing to prison inmates. Gerrish gained her teaching qualifications from Newcastle Teacher's College, her undergraduate degree from Macquarie University and her Masters from the University of Sydney. She was a teacher in the NSW public school system, and has run adult writing courses at Mosman and Sydney Community Colleges and other institutions.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Carolyn Gerrish's publications include: Poetry: The Ground Slides away, (publisher unknown, year unknown), Learning to Breathe Under Water, (publisher unknown, year unknown), Highjacked to the Underworld, (Five Islands Press, 2000).

Jane Gibian (1972 - )

Jane Gibian is a Sydney poet. She is working on her doctorate at the University of Western Sydney, and is currently in residency in Vietnam through the Asialink Centre. Gibian is working on a collection of poetry inspired by the cityscape and cultural history of Vietnam. She is the co-director of Vagabond Press.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Jane Gibian's publications include: Poetry: The Body's Navigation, (publisher unknown, 1998).

G. H. Gibson (1846 - 1921)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Bill Glasson (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Keri Glastonbury (D.O.B. - )

Keri Glastonbury is a poet and graphic artist. Her poetry has been published in Southerly, Meanjin, Overland, Hermes and Tangent. She is a recipient of an Emerging Writers Fellowship from the NSW Ministry of the Arts, and is an administrator for Playworks, the National Centre for Women Performance Writers. She was awarded a six months residency in Rome at the Australia Council's BR Whiting Library by the literature fund of the Australia Council. Her work Hygenic Lily was produced under a Varuna Writer's Centre program. The book was published by Five Islands Press in 1999 under the New Poets Program.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Kerry Glastonbury's publications include: Poetry: Hygenic Lily, (Five Islands Press, 1999), Super-regional, (Vagabond Press, year unknown).

Barbara Giles (1914 - )

Poet and children's author Barbara Giles was born in Manchester, England. She was a primary and secondary school teacher in Victoria, and worked in migrant education. After her retirement in 1978, she was co-ordinating editor of the Journal Luna, and a founding member of the co-operative, Pariah Press. She has taught creative writing and has been a reviewer for the ABC. Her work has been published in newspapers and journals including Meanjin, ABR, The Age, Quadrant and Compass. In her mid-sixties, Giles started publishing books of poetry and fantasy novels for children. She has edited and co-edited anthologies of children's' verse. Giles won the FAW John Shaw Neilson Poetry Award in 1972.
   Photo of Barbara Giles by Pamela Sidney, 1989.

Barbara Giles's publications include: Poetry: Eve Rejects the Apple, (publisher unknown, 1978), Earth and Solitude, (publisher unknown, 1985), The Hag in the Mirror, (publisher unknown, 1989), A Savage Coast, (publisher unknown, 1993), Poems: Seven Ages, (publisher unknown, 1997); Anthology (Ed): Messages in a Bottle: Poetry By Young Australians, Editor, with Michael Dugan and J.S. Hamilton, (publisher unknown, 1978); Of Human Beings and Chestnut Trees: Poetry by Young Australians, (publisher unknown, 1980).

Kevin Gillam (1963 - )

Kevin Gillam is a West Australian writer, 'cellist, orchestral conductor and secondary-school music teacher. Since completing a Graduate Diploma in English (Creative Writing) at Curtin University, he has had poems published in numerous Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and U.K. journals., including Meanjin, Overland, Coppertales, SideWalk, Western Review, Five Bells, Southern Review and Famous Reporter. In 2000 he was Emerging-Writer-in-Residence at Tom Collins' House, and was granted the same position at the Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre in 2002. His first volume of poetry, entitled Other Gravities and published by SunLine Press (Perth, R.R.P. $25, hardback) was launched in May 2003, and in September of that year he worked as Writer on the Road for the WA State Literature Centre, conducting workshops and readings throughout the Great Southern Region of WA.
   Photo of Kevin Gillam by photographer unknown, 2001.

Kevin Gillam publications include: Poetry: Other Gravities, (Sunline Press, 2003).

Kevin Gillam can be contacted at Email: kgillam (át) churchlands (dót) wa (dót) edu (dót) au

Debbie Gilmartin (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Mary Gilmore (1865 - 1962)

Mary Gilmore was born Mary Jean Cameron at Cotta Walla near Goulbourn. NSW. She was a school teacher when she joined William Lane's New Australia experiment in Paraguay, where she met and married William Gilmore in 1897. The couple returned to Australia in 1902 and settled in western Victoria. In 1908, Gilmore became the editor of the Sydney Worker's women's page, which position she held until 1931. In 1937 she was made a Dame of the British Empire for her services to Australian literature. Mary Gilmore is one of two Australian writers (A.B. Paterson is the other) featured on the 1993 ten-dollar note.
   Photo of Mary Gilmore by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Mary Gilmore's publications include: Poetry: Marri'd and Other Verses, (publisher unknown, 1910); The Passionate Heart, (publisher unknown, 1918), The Tilted Cart, (publisher unknown, 1925); The Wild Swan, (publisher unknown, 1930), Under the Wilgas, (publisher unknown, 1932), Battlefields, (publisher unknown, 1939), Fourteen Men, (publisher unknown, 1954); Prose: Old Days, Old Ways, (publisher unknown, 1934); More Recollections, (publisher unknown, 1935).

Morris Gleitzman (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Sally Goold (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Andrea Goldsmith (1950 - )

Novelist, Andrea Goldsmith, was born and raised in Melbourne in an Australian-Jewish family. She started learning the piano as a young child, and music remains an abiding passion. She initially trained as a speech pathologist and worked for many years with children with severe communication impairment. Andrea Goldsmith also writes literary essays on topics as diverse as Oliver Sacks, the blood-stained imagination, Homer and the Holocaust, nuclear physics and the age of uncertainty. She is a lively and dramatic performer of her work and reads regularly at venues throughout Australia. She was lecturer in creative writing at Deakin University in Melbourne (1995-8) and while writer-in-residence at La Trobe University she edited an anthology written by a group of people with gambling problems called Calling A Spade A Spade. As well as teaching, she mentors new novelists. She travels widely, and London, in particular, figures prominently in her novels. At the same time, she describes herself as 'a deeply Melbourne person'. She lives with the poet Dorothy Porter in Melbourne's inner suburbs.
   Photo of Andrea Goldsmith by Alden Ford, 2006.

Andrea Goldsmith's publications include: Prose: Gracious Living (Penguin 1989), Modern Interiors (Penguin, 1991) (short-listed for the NBC's Elizabeth Cohen Award) and Facing The Music (Penguin,1994). Under The Knife, (Allen & Unwin, 1998) and The Prosperous Thief (Allen & Unwin, 2002) (short-listed for the 2003 Miles Franklin award) The Real World (to be published 2008).

Andrea Goldsmith can be contacted at Email: agol6970 (át) bigpond (dót) net (dót) au

Peter Goldsworthy (1951 - )

Peter Goldsworthy was born in Minlaton, South Australia, and grew up in various country town, finishing his schooling in Darwin. Since graduating in medicine from the University of Adelaide, he has divided his time equally between medicine and writing. His novels have sold more than a quarter of a million copies in Australia alone, and have been translated into Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Mandarin and Japanese. His novel Maestro has also been published on CD-ROM Multimedia. Among his numerous literary awards are the 1982 Commonwealth Poetry Prize, and the Australian Bicentennial Literary Prize (poetry) in 1988. His 1991 novel Honk If You Are Jesus was a Times Literary Supplement International Book of the Year. His poetry has been set to music by leading Australian composers including Graeme Koehne, Richard Mills, and Matthew Hindson. His most recent books are the collection of essays, Navel Gazing, and the novella Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam. A book-length study of his work, The Ironic Eye, by Andrew Riemer, is published by Harper Collins. His novels Maestro and Honk If You Are Jesus are currently in development as film scripts. A dramatised version of Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam has been released on CD by ABC Enterprises. He wote the libretti for the Richard Mills operas, Batavia (2001, Opera Australia, Melbourne) and Summer of the Seventeenth Doll (Victorian State Opera (1996) Opera Australia, 1999).
   Photo of Peter Goldsworthy by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Peter Goldsworthy's publications include: Fiction: Maestro, (novel), (publisher unknown, year unknown), Honk If You Are Jesus, (novel), (publisher unknown, year unknown), Navel Gazing, (novella), (publisher unknown, year unknown); Non-Fiction: Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam, (essays), (publisher unknown, year unknown); Opera: Batavia, (libretti/opera), Opera Australia, 2001, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, (libretti/opera), Victorian State Opera, 1996, Opera Australia, 1999; Poetry: New Selected Poems, (Duffy & Snellgrove, 2001), This Goes With That: Selected Poems, (Leviathan, 2001).

Beate Goodall (1936 - )

From a very early age, my artistic flair had led me to oil-painting, ballet, acting and most of all - writing. I experienced my first public writing and drawing in the aftermath of WW 2. As many schools had been destroyed, make-shift venues catered for the schooling of some children. Eventually, the education system normalised, but textbooks and general educational material were almost non-existent. This prompted the principal of my school to engage me, still a young child and other artistic students to design exercise books with alphabets, simple mathematic, pictures and stories. It was a primitive tool, but helped teaching the younger pupils.From then on, my passion for writing and painting grew. I wrote quite a few stories and painted numerous land and sea scapes, though kept them private for many years. Harsh memories in Germany prompted me to seek greener pastures elsewhere, so I migrated to Australia, just 23, single, naďve and inexperienced. I could not speak English, let alone manage the Australian twang or slang, but I learned quickly. Circumstances taught me the hard way, what life was all about. I married and had 3 wonderful sons, whom I raised as single parent. I have held many responsible positions in the workforce and worked as volunteer in the community.
   Photo of Beate Goodall by Volker Hirsch, 2003.

My writing really took form after my arrival in Australia. It started as handwritten notes, recording events as they unfolded. When I acquired a computer, the notes were converted into stories and books.

Beate Goodall's publications include: Fiction: In Destiny's Path (written in pen name Stephand Mark) (iUNIVERSE, 2003), Written In Sand (Carpe Diem, 2006), Chance Meeting (unpublished/ under the tutelage of Simon Hunter, Hollywood Producer), Final Encounter (forthcoming with Carpe Diem in 2007).

Beate Goodall can be contacted at Email: beate (át) quik (dót) net (dót) au Go to Carpe Diem Publishing

Geoff Goodfellow (1949 - )

Geoff Goodfellow was born in Adelaide and began writing in 1982 when a severe injury forced his early retirement from the building industry. A 'poet for hire', Goodfellow is well-known for taking poetry to building and construction sites, jails, factories, offices, youth training centres, drug and alcohol rehabilitation units, private and state schools, colleges, universities, regional and remote areas, homes for the criminally insane and corporate boardrooms. As writer-in-residence at various universities Geoff has toured Cuba, the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe and China and has been a feature guest at major literary festivals. Geoff lives in Semaphore, heartland of the working-class, in South Australia. Poems for a Dead Father, (Vulgar Press, 2002) is shortlisted for The Age Book of The Year Award, 2002.
   Photo of Geoff Goodfellow by photographer unknown, 1999.

Geoff Goodfellow's publications include: Poetry: No Collars No Cuffs, (Friendly Street Poets, 1986, 1988, Wakefield Press, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Goodline Press, 1997), Bow Tie & Tails, (Wakefield Press, 1989, 1990, 1994, Goodline Press, 1997), No Ticket No Start: poetry from the building sites, (Wakefield Press, 1990), Triggers: turning experiences into poetry, (Wakefield Press in conjunction with the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, 1992), Semi Madness: voices from Semaphore, (Goodline Press, 1997 and Common Ground, 2000), The Sex Poems Unleashed, (Goodline Press, 1998), Love Is Cruel, (Common Ground Press, 2000).

Mike Goodison (1962 - )

Born in Melbourne, Mike Goodison was an active poet from 1981 to 84 and 1988 to 89. Wrote poems about obsession, vibrators, train crashes and fucking Jesus. From 1988 to 90 published The Small Times poetry magazine. Presented Dirty Poets' Society with Phil Bailey on radio 3CCC Central Victoria. Also wrote and performed radio comedy as "Dr Jocelyn". After many years of trying, finally figured out how to write songs in 1993. "A genuinely idiosyncratic talent" - Rolling Stone. Has not written poetry since. From 2001 to 02 operated MusicToYourWords.com, writing music to others' lyrics for a fee.
   Photo of Mike and Sharon Goodison by Tom the Poet, 1991.

Mike Goodison's publications include: Poetry: Complete Poetical Works 1986, (an A4 page with extremely small type), Bad News for Mankind 1992, (CD) (Bedroom Music, 1994).

William T. Goodge (1862 - 1909)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 - 1870)

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of poet by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Adam Lindsay Gordon's publications include: Insert publications.

Gus Gordon (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

J. W. Gordon (1874 - 1949)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Alan Gould (1949 - )

Alan Gould was born in London of English-Icelandic parents, and lived on armed forces camps in England, Northern Ireland, Germany and Singapore before coming to Australia in 1966. He has an arts degree from The Australian National University, a Diploma Of Education From The Canberra College Of Advanced Education. Since 1973 he has written poetry and fiction as full-time as resources have allowed, augmenting his income with literary journalism and relief teaching. In 1981 he won the NSW Premiers Prize for Poetry, 1981, for Astral Sea. Other Awards include; Foundation of Australian Literary Studies Medal for the Best Book of the Year, 1985, for The Man Who Stayed Below, National Book Council 'Banjo' Award for Fiction 1992 for To The Burning City, The Phillip Hodgins Memorial Medal For Literature, 1999 and The Royal Blind Society Audio Book Of The Year (for The Tazyrik Year,) 1999. He has held several fellowships from The Australia Council.
   Photo of Alan Gould by Anne Langridge, 2000.

Alan Gould's publications include: Poetry: Icelandic Solitaries, (UQP, 1978), Astral Sea, (Angus & Roberston, 1981), The Pausing of the Hours, (Angus & Robertson, 1984), The Twofold Place, (Angus & Robertson, 1986), Years Found in Likeness, (Angus and Robertson, 1988), FormerLight (Selected), (Angus & Robertson,/Collins 1992), Momentum, (Heinemann, 1992), Mermaid, (Heinemann, 1996), Dalliance And Scorn), (Indigo, an imprint of Ginninderra Press, 1999); Fiction: The Man Who Stayed Below, (Angus & Robertson, 1984, St Martins (USA) 1985, Gallimard (France) 1986, Hollandia (Holland) 1986, Grafton (UK and Commonwealth) 1986), The Enduring Disguises, (Three novellas), (Angus & Robertson, 1988, UK distrib 1988), To The Burning City, (Heinemann, 1991, 1992, (UK 1993), Close Ups, (Reed Books, 1994, paperback 1995), The Tazyrik Year, (Sceptre (Hodder Headline) 1998), The Schoonermaster's Dance, (Harper Collins, 2000).

John Graham (1969 - )

Gold Coast poet, artist and musician John Graham is of Kombumeri (Gold Coast) and Waka Waka (Gayndah), Irish, Scottish and English ancestry. His book Land Window is illustrated by his own artwork. As a musician, he has studied music and performed with bands, and was second place winner of the Gold Coast Great Guitars competition.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

John Graham's publications include: Poetry: Land Window, (publisher unknown, 1998).

Paul Grano (1894 - ????)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jacqui Grantford (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jamie Grant (1949 - )

Jamie Grant was born in Melbourne. He has worked as a publishing sales manager. Bookseller, freelance journalist and editor.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Jamie Grant's publications include: Poetry: Skywriting, (publisher unknown, 1989), Relativity, (publisher unknown, 1998), New selected Poems, (publisher unknown, 2001).

Robert Gray (1945 - )

Robert Gray was educated at Coffs Harbour and left school to become a cadet journalist. On moving to Sydney he worked in a bookshop, and as an advertising copywriter and mail sorter. His literary career, begun by writing for a magazine, led to becoming a poetry reviewer for the Sydney Morning Herald and the ABC, then to a residency in Japan. In 1981 he received the Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarship to the USA; in 1986, the NSW Premier's Award and the Adelaide Festival of Arts Award, Grace Leven Poetry Prize; and in 1990 Patrick White Award. His book, Afterimages, (Duffy & Snellgrove) has been shortlisted in the NSW Premiers Award's Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry 2003. The book previously won The Age Poetry book of the Year, and Victorian Premiers Prize for Poetry.
   Photo of poet by photographer, year.

Robert Gray's publications include: Poetry: Introspect, Retrospect; poems, (publisher unknown, 1970), Creekwater Journal, (publisher unknown, 1974), Grass Script, (publisher unknown, 1979), The Skylight, (publisher unknown, 1984), Selected Poems 1963-1983, (publisher unknown, 1985), Selected Poems 1985, (publisher unknown, 1990), Certain Things, (publisher unknown, 1993), Lineations, poems and drawings, (publisher unknown, 1996), New Selected Poems, (publisher unknown, 1998), After Images, (publisher unknown, 2002), Anthology (Ed): Younger Australian Poets, Edited with Geoffrey Lehmann, (publisher unknown, 1983), Australian Poetry in the Twentieth Century, Edited with Geoffrey Lehmann, (publisher unknown, 1991), Sydney's Poems, with Vivian Smith, (publisher unknown, 1992).

Virginia Gray (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

DC Green (1965 - )

DC Green has been described by his surf magazine peers as 'the world's best surf journalist', 'a salty Hunter S. Thompson' and by one magazine as their 'resident literary giant.' He has had over 2,000 articles published in over 30 surfing magazines in 20 plus countries, and remains a Contributing Editor to many. His article, Two White Doves, about the Sari Club bombing and aftermath was hailed as the greatest in the 36 year history of Tracks magazine and won the 'E-map Feature of the Year' Award. Even eight-times world surfing champion Kelly Slater has stated DC's Inside Sport profile was the most insightful any journalist has written about him (and DC beat him at pool, to boot). In his own small field, DC has influenced a generation of writers. Since 2004, DC has turned his considerable talents to the writing of children's novels. His first book for the young and young-at-brain, Erasmus James and the Galactic Zapp Machine, the first of a three-part series to feature intergalactic zapping, ninja horses and giant mutant chooks, has been described as "a joyous comic funfare ride of a book ... a brilliant debut novel" (Bill Condon, CBCA Honor Book of the Year winner); "a rollicking, fart-filled yarn" (Surfer magazine, USA); "an awesome read, an absolute corker!" (ASL magazine); "amazingly creative" (The Illawarra Mercury) and "like Harry Potter, but with way funnier jokes!" (Hayley T, 11 years old).
   Photo of DC Green by Karisa Whelan, 2005.

DC Green has an extremely popular author show that he performed in over 100 schools in four states in 2006. 2007 will see the publication of three more children's books: Three Little Surfer Pigs (picture book); Stinky Squad, a biting satire of today's Australia - with bonus brain-eating zombies; and the eagerly awaited Erasmus James sequel, King of Kid's Paradise. DC Green has also: * contributed fiction and non-fiction to 14 anthologies including the recent Surf Rage (ISBN: 095875010), 'Surf Stories (ISBN: 0957733542), Billabong: Only a Surfer Knows the Feeling) and the upcoming The Pilgrimage; * won the Victorian Ministry of the Arts Award for a Short Story ('Sharlene') and been nominated by Inside Sport magazine for Australian Sportswriter of the Year three times; * had one successful novel for adults published, Lash Clone Returns to Vortex, based on his cult character that appeared in over 80 episodes of Tracks magazine; * written for over 30 travel, sporting, in-flight and men's magazines and two dozen newspapers (including the Sydney Morning Herald and the Canberra Times); * had approximately 300 fiction stories published in small literary and mainstream magazines; * been profiled on Foxtel's RA TV. * penned four long-running cult magazine stories, three columns, two serialised cartoon scripts, a cartoon pilot for Foxtel, one movie script and ... more than he could hope to list before lunch. DC still surfs and works for surf magazines, but writing kid's books is now his main gig. Yes, he reckons he's found the most enjoyable and worst-paying job in the country! He lives where he grew up: on the NSW South Coast with one slightly crazy daughter and four very crazy cats.

DC Green's publications include: Insert Publication details.

DC Green can be contacted at Email: miltonbarrels (át) yahoo (dót) com   Go to DC Green's website

H. M. Green (1881 - 1962)This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Judith Green (1936 - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Betty Greenhatch (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Allan Gregory "Word Warrior" (D.O.B. - deceased)

Insert biographical details.
   Photo of Allan Gregory by Pamela Sidney, year unknown.

Allan Gregory's publications include: Insert publications.

Sam Green (1954 - )

Sam Green first started writing as a child, where he was truly inspired by the "skits" the scouts use to sing around the campfires. Perhaps this was the encouragement he needed in his early days. 'At school l was dyslexic. Things I wrote didn't make much sense, and l was always being told off by the teachers for using incorrect grammar,' Sam recalls. 'Then one teacher corrected my spelling and took the trouble to correct the way I wrote certain letters of the alphabet. He liked what I had written and wanted to pin it up on his wall. I was 12 at the time, in the grade eight juniors, it was the first time I had ever been praised for my work. It was a poem which began "Flipping through the pages of our lives....." boy was he impressed 'Because songwriting does not rely a great deal on grammar, more from a creative side, this craft has give Sam a new scope to his life. 'I first realized l could write seriously during the Vietnam War period.
   Photo of Same Green by Jack Green, 2002.

There were many inspirations for me to follow. Bob Dylan, America, Arlo Gutherie to name a few. Sam Green writes from the heart and soul, his true experiences of life. "I was involved in a motorbike accident in the early 80's. I remember lying there on the hospital and the doctors wanted to amputate my leg. I said then, whatever happens, its in the hands of Lord. I was operated on, the leg was saved and in plaster for eight months. During this time in the hospital bed, I started writing. And writing and writing. A theory entered into my head on how the mind works - you just keep writing for your existence. I had the time to think about life and the universe. I share that through writing."

Sam Green's publications include: Poetry: How I Avoid the Void, (Self-Published, 2000), A Thought in a Day, (Self- Published, 2000), A Collection of Poems book 1, (Self- Published, 2003), A Collection of Poems book 2, (Self- Published, 2003), A Collection of Poems book 3, (Self- Published, 2003); Albums: Players All Are We, (Sam Green, 1994), I Think It's About Time, (Sam Green and the Time Machine, 1997), Hundred of Miles, (Sam Green, 2002), Albums Don't Spit in the Ocean, (Sam Green, 2003).

Sam Green's poetry books and music are available for download for a small fee at his website. Sam Green can be contacted at Email: samgreen (át) bigpond (dót) com (dót) au   Go to Sam Green's website

James Griffin (D.O.B. - )This directory is a free community service. Volunteers are needed to provide information on this person. Please send your research and photos to directory@thylazine.org Thanks!

Jeff Guess (1948 - )

Born in Adelaide in South Australia, Jeff Guess teaches English in country and metropolitan secondary schools, 'Writing Poetry' at the Adelaide Institute of TAFE, and tutors at the University of South Australia. His first book Leaving Maps, published in 1984, was hailed by Judith Rodriguez in The Sydney Morning Herald as 'a major collection'. Samela Harris (The Advertiser) has written of his latest collection Winter Grace 'Methinks he is the finest living Australian poet.' He has had eight collections published. Jeff has written two textbooks on teaching poetry and edited eight poetry anthologies. He has won numerous first prizes for his poetry and been awarded five writing grants, and is often on judging panels for major poetry competitions, including the John Bray Award. His poetry has been published widely and has appeared in most Australian newspapers and magazines.
   Photo of Jeff Guess by photographer unknown, year unknown

He is represented regularly in leading literary magazines: Blue Dog: Australian Poetry, Island, Overland, Quadrant, Salt-Lick Quarterly, Studio and Westerly; and major newspapers: The Age, The Canberra Times, and The Weekend Australian. In addition to his published work in Australia, he has been published in America, Canada, England, New Zealand, and Wales. His work is frequently anthologised, appearing in The Tin Wash Dish, edited by John Tranter (ABC Books, 1989), The Sea's White Edge, Mattara Prize Winners, edited by Paul Kavanagh, (Butterfly Books 1991), The Penguin Book Of Christmas Poems, edited by K.Pearson and C.Mooney (Penguin Books, 1992), The Oxford Book Of Love Poems, edited by Jennifer Strauss (Oxford, 1993), The Australian Christmas Book, edited by Kay Fairfax (Collins/A&R, 1995), Family Ties edited by Jennifer Strauss (Oxford, 1998), The Indigo Book OF Modern Australian Sonnets, edited by Geoff Page (Indigo, 2003). He has co-written a textbook on teaching poetry in primary schools: Hands On Poetry (Twilight Publishing, 1991; republished Dominie, 1993). He has written a textbook for tertiary students entitled Writing Poetry, published by the Adelaide Institute of TAFE. There are entries for him in the International Authors and Writers Who's Who, the Who's Who of Australian Writers and the Oxford Companion to Australian Literature; and an article by Geoff Page in A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Australian Poetry (UQP, 1995). His papers, manuscripts and letters are held by the National Defence Force Academy Library in Canberra, as part of the 'Australian Special Research Collection'.

Jeff Guess's publications include: Poetry: Leaving Maps, (Friendly Street Poets, 1984), Four In The Afternoon, (Studio, 1987), Painting The Town: The Gawler Poems, (Wakefield Press, 1988), Replacing Fuses In The House Of Cards, (Poetry Australia, 1988), Rites Of Arrival: Poems from Museums of the History Trust of SA, (Wakefield Press, 1990), Selected Sonnets, (Collins/A&R, 1991); Living In The Shade Of Nothing Solid, (Five Islands Press, 1998), Winter Grace, (Five Islands Press, 2004); Anthologies: The No. 12 Friendly Street Reader, (Friendly Street Poets, 1987), The Inner Courtyard: A South Australian Anthology of Love Poetry, (Wakefield Press, 1990), The House Next Door, (Salisbury Council, 1992), The No. 18 Friendly Street Reader, (Friendly Street Poets, 1994), Poetry After Lunch: The University Readings, (Adelaide University, 1996), A Fall Of Rainbows, (Williamstown Women Writers, 1997), No Strings Attached, (Eremos, 1999), New Poets Seven, (Friendly Street Poets/Wakefield Press, 2002), Encounters, (Ariel, 2002).

Jeff Guess can be contacted at: Postal Address: PO Box 1039 Gawler, South Australia 5118 Australia. Email: jeffpoet (át) cobweb (dót) com (dót) au   Go to Jeff Guess's website

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