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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                         #4/thyla4k
Lauren Williams, Steven Herrick, Joanne Burns, Ian McBryde, Bev Braune, John Kinsella, Alicia Sometimes, John Kidd, Claire Gaskin and Alex Skovron

Selected by Coral Hull

Lauren Williams

Encountered live poetry at The Living Room in 1983. Returned the next week, with poems. Within a year, purchased a small printing press and began publishing a 'zine, Big Bang, as a text gig for poetry aired at the various venues. For the next five years, she moved between poetry and music, and singing with various blues/R&B/funk bands until, in 1988, the two artforms merged in the rap crew Itch 2 Scratch. From 1990-1994 Williams was an associate editor of Going Down Swinging. Her first collection, Driven To Talk To Strangers, was runner-up in the 1991 Anne Elder award. She was one of nine poets in the play Call It Poetry Tonight, at the Wharf Studio in Sydney. In '95 she was ...
   [Above] Photo of Lauren Williams by Raffaella Torresan, 1999.

Steven Herrick

Steven Herrick was born in Brisbane on New Years Eve, 1958. He has had eleven books published - mostly for children and young adults. The spangled drongo won the NSW Premiers Literary Award 2000 (Patricia Wrightson Prize) and his three other verse-novels were all shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards and the Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards. His next books (verse-novels) are Tom Jones Saves the World (UQP, 2002), and Do-wrong Ron (Allen & Unwin, 2003). Steven lives in the Blue ...
   [Above] Photo of Steven Herrick by photographer unknown, year unknown.

Joanne Burns

Joanne Burns is a Sydney poet. She also writes short fiction, including monologues and future fictions. She is completing a new poetry collection all of me. A sample of her work, 'people like that', from a number of her books, was published by Picaro Press in the Wagtail series (No:1) in 2001. The title poem (a poem in 17 parts) from the out of print collection penelope's knees is to be published by Picaro Press later in 2002. Her work has been widely published in magazines, journals and anthologies around the world. Her writing has been produced for theatre and radio. The title piece from 'blowing bubbles in the 7th lane' has been produced ...
   [Above] Photo of Joanne Burns by Loma Bridge, 2002.

Ian McBryde

Canadian-born poet Ian McBryde has been a long term resident of Australia. He is well-published both in Australia and many countries overseas, among them Germany, Japan, Greece, the UK, Belgium, Canada, and the USA. His poetry has also been translated into Greek, Spanish and Japanese. His fourth collection of poetry, entitled Equatorial, is to be published in late 2001. He has performed his work at a multitude of Australian venues and writers festivals including Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane over the past twelve years, and has featured live in Canada, the UK, and the USA. He has also read his poetry on radio and television in Australia and the USA. Ian currently lives in Melbourne, ...
   [Above] Photo of Ian McBryde by Dennis Paterson, 2001.

Bev Braune

Dr Bev Braune's poetry and essays have appeared in anthologies and literary magazines in Australia and overseas. Her books include Dream Diary (Savacou, 1982), Camouflage (Bloodaxe/ Dufour Editions, 1998) and the first volume, comprising 7 Books, of the illustrated Epic Poem Skulváði Úlfr and its Companion Reader (1999). Her special areas of interest are Poetics, the poetry of the ancient Americas and Old Norse/Old Icelandic poetry. Bev Braune holds a Bachelor (Literature, Languages & Philosophy) and Master of Philosophy (on Eugene O'Neill) from the University of the West Indies at Mona, and a Doctorate in Creative ...
   [Above] Photo of Bev Braune by Thoron Braune, 1996.

John Kinsella

John Kinsella is the author of more than twenty books whose many prizes and awards include a Young Australian Creative Fellowship from the former PM of Australia, Paul Keating, and senior Fellowships from the Literature Board of The Australia Council. He is the editor of the international literary journal Salt. He was appointed the Richard L Thomas Professor of Creative Writing at Kenyon College in the United States for 2001, and where he is now Professor of English. He is a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, and Adjunct Professor to Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. His selected poems and selected essays are forthcoming, as well as a new novel Post- ...
   [Above] Photo of John Kinsella by Wendy Kinsella, 1996.

Alicia Sometimes

Alicia Sometimes has performed as a spoken word artist over 350 times since 1992 at a variety of venues, festivals, states and countries with a myriad of Australian and international performers. She has been published in Cordite, Pelt, Verandah, Going Down Swinging, Voiceworks and many other anthologies. Her work has been heard many times on TV, radio and various spoken word CD's, most recently 'You Talking To Me?'. Alicia is currently co-editor of the literary magazine Going Down Swinging and co-host of the spoken word show 'Aural Text' on Melbourne radio 3RRR ...
   [Above] Photo of Alicia Sometimes by Andy James, 2002.

John Kidd

John Kidd was bred and raised in Ringarooma, in the north-east of Tasmania. He now lives in Fingal not so far away from those roots. He had a grandmother who wrote poetry and from very early days he assumed he’d be a writer. He graduated from the University of Tasmania and fell into teaching. During a long stint as a teacher, as a writer he achieved only a stage play that collapsed in pre-production, and dual victories in the Launceston Poetry Cup at the Tasmanian Poetry Festival. He has had poems published in Australia and overseas. He’s written screenplays, a novel, a radio drama, and short stories, and currently is working on a novel set ...
   [Above] Photo of John Kidd by Briony Kidd, 2002.

Claire Gaskin

Claire Gaskin was born in Australia in 1966. She now lives in country Victoria where she facilitates creative writing workshops and courses and runs public literary readings. She has been publishing her work in literary journals for eighteen years and reads her work at poetry performance venues in Melbourne, Victoria. Her chapbook A snail in the ear of the Buddha, was published by Soup Publications in 1998. She has two daughters, two dogs and two cats. She practises, studies and teaches yoga and hopes that something of a meditative quality comes through in her writing. She is interested in authenticity of ...
   [Above] Photo of Claire Gaskin by Claire Gaskin, 2000.

Alex Skovron

Alex Skovron was born in Poland in 1948, emigrated to Israel with his parents in 1956, and thence in 1958 to Australia. His family settled in Sydney, where he grew up and completed his studies. Since the early 1970s he has worked as a book editor for various publishers in Sydney and Melbourne, and was general editor of The Concise Encyclopaedia of Australia ( Horwitz, 1979). Skovron’s poetry has been published widely and three collections have appeared to date: The Rearrangement (Melbourne University Press, 1988; Octave, 1996), which won the Anne Elder and Mary Gilmore awards, and was shortlisted in the NSW Premier’s Awards; Sleeve Notes (Hale & Iremonger, 1992), shortlisted for the Barbara ...
   [Above] Photo of Alex Skovron by Jerry Galea, 2000.

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Thylazine No.4 (September, 2001)