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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                    #3/thyla3k-jfk
The Poetry of Jayne Fenton Keane
Selected by Coral Hull

[Above] Photo of Jayne Fenton Keane by photographer unknown, 2001.

I Definition I Hope I The Garden I Adam I
The Garden Spirit Speaks I Comfort Women: Sex slaves for Japanese soldiers I


1 - threads of shed pine
     a carpet for lovers
     off the walkway

     a small white dog
     with a patch over its eye
     steals their clothes
     and runs into the sea.

2 - broad shouldered lifeguards
     pass the binoculars
     and stroke their cocks

     lost in the current
     the drowning are not very good
     at speaking english

3 - what is kali thinking
     as she prepares for a water birth
     outside the swim between the flags notice

     she dares the tides
     to flush out her womb
     but her gaze is growing fins
     and not even neptune
     would dare gut her

4 - it is not supposed to be cold here
     the rain in paradise is supposed to be
     tanned, blonde
     and full of legs

5 - the homeless sleep
     with a pillow of beach

     there is so much salt / rhythm / music
     it is impossible not to
     dream the big dream

6 - skeletal bikini woman
     feeds meters with her youth
     free photo opportunity for tourists
     a free ride for them
     the locals driven out by traffic
     and their refusal to learn japanese

7 - it is fundamentally boring
     to visit this cultural void
     unless you like golf
     strippers, piss ups and getting laid

8 - alone with the waves at dawn
     lost in tubes of ocean
     you are reborn every morning

10 - poised above the vortex
     do not dive warnings
     a cave of sleeping glow worms
     a grotto of icy blue

     dive dive dive
     echo the worms and sinister friends

Published in Torn (Plateau Press, 2000).


I take to you as headland shelters inlet
as rain is drawn to earth
as rain is pulled through leaf to sky.

As earth surrenders to rain
I yield to you through prayer and breath
I yield to your tantra and its text.

I take to you as estuary shelters fish
as host grows nourishment for its symbiont
as epiphyte grows but does not need.

As tree supports epiphyte
I serve your structure with fluid and blood
I serve your compassion and your wisdom.

I take to you as canopy shelters wildlife
as light reveals epiphany through its spectrum
as light chases surface to prove it exists.

Published in from Torn (Plateau Press, 2000)

The Garden

(Excerpt from Retro Eden Nineties Style)

The garden was like a generous lover, snapping off bits of soul. In the end
it was conquered by its own generosity, and now it looks like nothing
but a ravaged drunken tart.


A desert of asphalt shimmers
around a hub of remnant vegetation.
A mirage of bones and ancestry hovers
on black-caked dunes of heat.

Stale fermented passionflower steeps
the atmosphere. The garden combs
its long flowing tendrils into coils
and waits for its seducer to return with a knife.

A posse of bulldozers surrounds the garden
in a glittering haze of tar. At the first gash
it startles in a rage of psychotic colour.
It throws its tendrils like childish lassoes,
and tears at the machines like an outraged witch.

But the bulldozers, symmetrical as beads,
press evenly on its verdant flesh.
A smouldering stack marks the garden's cremation.
      A 'For Sale' sign strikes the conquest deep.


(Excerpt from Retro Eden Nineties Style)

      Adam is like
a giant descending from the sky, as he fi
fi fo fumms
about dips in the exchange rate
and about clouds
blocking the view, as he clambers ungraciously
down a concrete
beanstalk, with his finger on one small green dot
of pulse

In his ecosystem
the fittest live in the most luxurious
well appointed caves
where businessmen meet for lunch
and lap dancing.

There is a girl whose pelvis
is so remote
that it reminds Adam of his childhood
toys, except this
time the controls are tweaked by cash

Adam watches a
beautiful yet appalling pair of buttocks, flap
like canary wings
against a grille of customer-laps.
A man tries
to sneak a finger through a G-string
mistaking a dab
of KY jelly for natural lubrication.

He's tired. His ribs ache. He longs
to get home
to his modem, in case today is
the day love
will come down the chat line and burn
his loneliness out.

The Garden Spirit Speaks

(Excerpt from Retro Eden Nineties Style)

I am dirt canvas painted with bones
tattooed with sinewy wreaths of trees.
My skin is a memory of topsoil
where urban shadows creep
and a chain of numeracy
clear-fells all landscapes.

I have seeded the earth with fissures of my skull
watched the world grow sick with algebra
as it spins on an axis of obtuse translations,
that spill like commandments from a calculator god.

There is no use telling me to forgive or love
for that is the destiny of wind.
I will not be drawn into the myth of such a narrative -
that would have me dream myself alive
in a sultry infectious night
where I would lift up my dirt-canvas skirt
to go line dancing in a scar of dust.

My revenge will be sweet. My victory irrefutable.
I have conspired with many natural villains.

Look out for the rhizomes spliced with opiates.
For the resistant disgruntled microbes
that crawl on your skin. Look out for the toxins
in brilliant bouquets and for holes in the atmosphere
that will burn out your eyes. Listen carefully
for the silence that will mark your decay
for I have withdrawn my medicines.

Comfort Women: Sex slaves for Japanese soldiers

1932-1945 - occupied territories

                            You smell of insincerity
                            bitter cat piss breath
                            swirling in promises
                            made of erections

                            and this is solidarity
                            a kind of solidarity
                            I never expected to know.

200,000 drafted cunts (80% Korean)

                            in the pillow of my stomach
                            where so many of you
                            rest your heads

                            You lay me down
                            comfort woman
                            worn out welcome mat

                            as my eyes turn into buzzers
                            with the gloss worn off
                            from too many fingers

between ages 11-32

                            My wedding finger itches
                            when you meet me
                            to talk about yourself
                            and your family.

                            I have learned to listen
                            as my bruises darken
                            and I try to remember
                            not to insist myself in the spaces
                            you occasionally leave.

                            But I forget
                            this service is an animal's job
                            to you and tomorrow
                            I will hover above myself
                            and watch trenches of you
                            advance again


                            I try to burn you out
                            stare so hard at the sun
                            as you fuck me
                            stare so hard
                            stare so hard at the sun
                            as you fuck me.

About the Poet Jayne Fenton Keane

Jayne Fenton Keane is an experimental poet who extends her poetic practice beyond the page. This includes producing CDs, websites and performances in addition to writing manuscripts. JFK has conducted poetry workshops at secondary, tertiary and community levels and has featured at a number of festivals. Jayne Fenton Keane has been a recipient of a Varuna Writers' Centre Fellowship and radio playwriting mentorship and she was offered a fellowship. In addition to writing manuscripts, experimenting with soundscapes and developing her website, JFK has maintained an interest in embodiment of texts on the stage. She has featured at the Australian Poetry Festival, Queensland Poetry Festival, Brisbane Writers' Festival, Seattle Arts festival, the Detroit Literary Festival, the Festival of the Imagination in New Orleans, and Wordstock, a spoken word festival in New York. She has been broadcast on national and international television and radio, and is currently studying for her Honours degree in Creative Arts at Griffith University on the Gold Coast. Jayne received a grant from Arts Queensland, to support the writing of her next manuscript.
   [Above] Photo of Jayne Fenton Keane by photographer unknown, 2001.

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Thylazine No.3 (March, 2001)

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