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Thylazine: The Australian Journal of Arts, Ethics & Literature                                                                                                                                         #1/thyla1k
Lisa Bellear, Kevin Hart, Judith Beveridge, Michael Farrell, Sarah St Vincent/Melita Dahl, Louis Armand, Cassie Lewis, Peter Minter, Sandy Jeffs and Mike Ladd

Selected by Coral Hull

Lisa Bellear

Lisa Marie Bellear was born in Melbourne. Actively involved in Indigenous affairs throughout the country Lisa is passionate about social justice and simply looking after each other. She has been a volunteer broadcaster on 3CR community radio for 11 years on the Not Another Koori Show. Lisa's poetry has been published in many journals and anthologies. She was been nominated for the 1995 Human Rights Award for Poetry for her poem "Native Title Now". The poem is the title of an exhibition of Aboriginal art currently touring Australia. Lisa Bellear has read at literary festivals, pubs and conferences in Australia and in the USA. For the two years she has sat on the ...
   [Above] Photo of Lisa Bellear by Jenni Mitchell, 1999.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart was born in London in 1954 and was brought to Australia as a child in 1966. He grew up in Brisbane, and studied at the Australian National University, Stanford University, and the University of Melbourne. He is currently Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Monash University in Melbourne in Victoria. Volumes of his poetry have won Australia's most prestigious awards, including the Christopher Brennan Award, the Grace Leven Award, the Harri Jones Prize, the NSW Premier's Award, the Mattara Award, the Victorian Premier's Award, and the Wesley Michel Wright Award. Kevin Hart is the author of three volumes of criticism: The Trespass of the Sign ...
   [Above] Photo of Kevin Hart by Jenni Mitchell, 1991.

Judith Beveridge

Judith Beveridge was born in London, England in 1956 and came to Australia in 1960 attending schools and University in Sydney. She has made poetry writing her principal occupation since 1978, working at numerous jobs to earn a living, including teaching, library work, research and typing. She is currently employed in the field of bush regeneration. She has published two books of poetry, The Domesticity of Giraffes (1987) and Accidental Grace (1996), both of which have won major awards, and has co-edited an anthology, A Parachute of Blue. She is the poetry advisor for Kalimat, a journal promoting Australian and Arabic literature. Her work is widely anthologised ...
   [Above] Photo of Judith Beveridge by Patricia Roche, 1996

Michael Farrell

Michael Farrell was born in Bombala, N.S.W. and has lived in Melbourne since 1990. He won the Harri Jones Memorial Prize for 1999, and is an editorial assistant at Meanjin. His poems are forthcoming in Meanjin, Southerly, Overland, Southern Review, Cordite, Verse, and Calyx: 30 Contemporary Australian Poets; he is currently drafting a novel. Michael has two poems and a memoir of Marianne Moore forthcoming in Verse, and has read on 5UV in Adelaide. He has written and directed a play which was performed at the Melbourne Fringe Festival. His major formative literary influences include Joyce, Brecht, Stein and cummings, the surrealists; later O'Hara, Ashbery, Perec and the ...
   [Above] Photo of Michael Farrell by Detlev Jackson, 1997.

Sarah St Vincent Welch

Sarah St Vincent Welch's stories have been published in: Telling Ways: Australian Women's Experimental Writing (Australian Feminist Studies), Body Lines (Women's Redress Press), and She's a Train and She's Dangerous (Literary Mouse Press). Her as yet unpublished novel, Islands in Lakes, Lakes in Islands, won the Jessie Litchfield Award for Literature in 1995. It is set around the mysterious disappearing Lake George in the Southern Tablelands of NSW and our relationship to landscape. Excerpts from this novel appear in Eat the Ocean (Literary Mouse Press) and There is No Mystery! - An ...
   [Above] Photo of Sarah St Vincent Welch by Neville Minch, 1991.

Melita Dahl

Melita was born in Australia in 1966 and graduated from the Canberra School of Art in 1991 where she majored in photomedia. Melita now lives in Germany, and has studied at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, since 1997. Melita has exhibited her photographic works within Australia in group and solo exhibitions since 1991, and more recently, video works have been screened in Europe. Her photographic work can be found in Australian public and private art collections. "Museum of Silence", 1991, are manipulated images taken at the Australian Museum in Sydney from their collection of preserved native animals. This work uses taxidermy as a metaphor for the lack of ...
   [Above] Photo of Melita Dahl by Melita Dahl, 2000.

Louis Armand

Louis Armand was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1972. Some of his publications include; Seances (Twisted Spoon Press, 1998), The Viconian Paramour (x-poezie, 1998), Anatomy Lessons (x-poezie, 1999), Erosions (Vagabond Press, 2000), Synopticon (with John Kinsella: Vagabond Press, 2000) and Inexorable Weather (Arc Publications, 2000). In 1997 he was awarded the Penola Festival's Max Harris Award for Poetry (Adelaide). Since 1994 he has lived and worked in Prague, in the Czech Republic, where he currently teaches in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University. Louis Armand is the editor of a ...
   [Above] Photo of Louis Armand by Giovannide Caro, 1994.

Cassie Lewis

Cassie Lewis was born in Papua New Guinea in 1974. She writes poetry, reviews, essays and prose poems. She has been publishing her poems widely in Australian magazines and newspapers since 1995 and has also had work published in New Zealand, the U.K and the U.S.A. Her work can be found in back issues of Meanjin, Southerly, Otis Rush, The Age's Saturday Extra, JAAM (N.Z.), P.N. Review (U.K.), Heat and Overland. She has published a pamphlet of ten poems Song for the Quartet (SOUP Publications, Melbourne, 1997). ...
   [Above] Photo of Cassie Lewis by Jenni Mitchell, 1999.

Peter Minter

Peter Minter, born in 1967, is a poet, editor and publisher living in Sydney, New South Wales. His first collection, Rhythm in a Dorsal Fin, was shortlisted for the 1996 New South Wales Premiers' Prize for Poetry, and he has since co-founded Cordite Poetry and Poetics Review and edited the Varuna New Poetry broadsheet series. His work has appeared in Landbridge: Contemporary Australian Poetry (FACP 1999) and Catalyst (Folio(Salt) 2000) and in numerous Australian and international journals. He is poetry editor for Meanjin, a contributing editor to Boxkite, and editor of the forthcoming Varuna Literary Review. He has completed co-editing, with Michael ...
   [Above] Photo of Peter Minter by John Tranter, 1999.

Sandy Jeffs

Sandy Jeffs grew up in Ballarat. She graduated from La Trobe University with an Arts Degree in 1975. When she was 23 she had her first psychotic episode and has lived with schizophrenia. Her first book, Poems from the Madhouse, published by Spinifex Press in 1993, was awarded 2nd place in the 1993 FAW Anne Elder Poetry Award, as well as a Certificate of Commendation in the 1994 Human Rights Awards. Sandy is a co-author of Loose Kangaroos, Domain Press 1998, which also won a Certificate of Commendation in the 1998 Human Rights Awards. Loose Kangaroos is also the name of a group of sanity-challenged poets with whom she performs her ...
   [Above] Photo of Sandy Jeffs by Robyn Adams, 1999.

Mike Ladd

Mike Ladd was born in 1959 and grew up at Blackwood in the Adelaide Hills. After completing a Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy at Adelaide University, he began to publish his poetry widely in Australia. In 1980 he formed "The Drum Poets" a group of musicians who perform his poetry using conventional instruments, found objects and pre-recorded sounds. In London he worked for the BBC and the British Institute of Recorded Sound. Returning to Adelaide, Mike began work with ABC radio. He became a producer within the Audio Arts department and is currently producer and presenter of the Radio National poetry program "PoeticA". He has published two ...
   [Above] Photo of Mike Ladd by Steve Hardacre, 1999.

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Thylazine No.1 (March, 2000)

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